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A fledgling student of a very-low-temperature physics laboratory would firstly be inculcated how to use the lathe and the miller. You can cut and shape a variety of metal parts from a round bar or a plate of metal by using these machines. Today, I turned a brass flange for a cryostat. Actually, my workroom is by the machine shop, everyday milling sounds come from the next room.
“Serendipity is being developed in a lab where new apparatus is continuously being developed.”
Nice saying, isn't it?
写真は金属試料をSEM(電子顕微鏡)で観察しているところです。この装置にはEPMA(電子線マイクロアナライザー:Electron Probe Micro Analyzer)も搭載されており、特性X線をスペクトル解析することで測定試料の化学組成比を調べることができます。我々の育成した試料は誤差の範囲内で望みの組成比を保っていることが解りました。これを使えば、あなたがお持ちのプラチナの指輪も本物かどうか鑑定できますね(w)
In the picture, we were watching metallic samples by using Scanning Electron Microscope. Since an EPMA is also installed on this instrument, we can determine the chemical composition by analyzing the intensities of characteristic X-rays from the sample material. We have checked that our samples have desired elemental ratio within the margin of error. It could also verify the authenticity of your “platinum-ring”☺
SCES'08 Poster
You can download my poster, which has been presented at the SCES 2008 conference, as a PDF file

Free pictures
Since some people wanted above pictures at the SCES conference, now you can download them as vector EPS (Encapsled Post Script for Adobe Illustrator CS3) format.
Filled-skutterudite x-tal structure with different view
x-tal-skutterudite.eps [2.5 MB]
Schematic image of Electron-Phonon interaction
electron-phonon.eps [2.6 MB]
2008-8/19「強相関電子系 国際会議@ブラジル」
強相関電子系国際会議(International Conference on the Strongly Correlated Electron Systems 2008, Aug 19-23)に参加しています。充填スクッテルダイト化合物の最近の研究についてプレゼンテーションを行いました。朝から晩まで物理漬けの毎日。普段なかなか会えない海外の共同研究者から将来の共同研究者まで、共に充実した議論を行っています。南半球は冬ですが、開催地のブジオスはリオデジャネイロから北に車で3時間のところにあります。赤道に近いため気温は30度前後。気候はからっと乾燥していて過ごしやすく、やはりコーヒーはうまいです。
Now I'm attending the International Conference on the Strongly Correlated Electron Systems 2008, which being held at Buzios, Brazil. I have given a poster presentation of recent progress on my research of filled-skutterudites. Everyday, we are making fruitful discussions with co-workers and also with future collaborators! Buzios is located at North of Rio de Janeiro (3 hour drive). Temperature here is about 30 degrees Cercius. The taste of coffee here is pretty good as may be expected of Brazil.
Start-up of the ultrasonic apparatus at our lab. is about to be completed, since it was prepared from Feb. when I have been started for my new post here.
Now we are planning to perform preliminary experiment as system calibrations.
Generally, set upping an experimental laboratory has some costs of its own. We try to make a high-accuracy measurement system by utilize old equipments and secondhand equipment, sometimes. The top picture shows famous network analyzer HP8753E, which was selled a decade ago with list price of over $30000! Luckily, we could get a re-sell one with fifth list price due to all the effort for searching on Web and Akihabara. It’s still on active duty☺
研究日誌 2008-7/18「単結晶育成中」
RA(リサーチアシスタント)の森下君とM1の真山君(共に 理学部 極低温研究室 所属)がサポートしてくれています。
Now we are start growing single x-tals of rare-earth compounds by using Czochralski- and molten flux-method.
Mr. Morishita (RA) and Mr. Mayama (Grad. Student from VLT Lab. at Grad. School of Science)are helping me out.
Topics: Discovery of Double Ultrasonic Dispersion due to Rattling in NdOs4Sb12
日本語解説 >> Topics「カゴ状化合物のラットリング」
Ultrasonic investigation of the off-center rattling in the filled skutterudite compound NdOs4Sb12 Tatsuya Yanagisawa, Pei-Chun Ho, William M. Yuhasz, M. Brian Maple, Yuri Yasumoto, Hiromu Watanabe, Yuichi Nemoto, and Terutaka Goto |
The off-center rattling of Nd rare-earth ions in the filled skutterudite compound NdOs4Sb12 has been investigated by ultrasonic measurement. The longitudinal C11 mode for frequencies between 34 and 253 MHz shows a marked frequency dependence in elastic constant and ultrasonic attenuations at two different temperatures centered at around 45 and 15 K. The relaxational frequency dependence of ultrasonic dispersion reveals a thermally activated Γ23-type off-center motion of Nd-ions, involving local charge fluctuations with Γ23 symmetry in the (OsSb3)4 cage. An attempt time τ0,(1)=7.5×10-12 s and an activation energy E1=337 K were obtained from fits to the dispersion at around 45 K. The presence of another dispersion at lower temperatures of around 15 K implies that the rattling in NdOs4Sb12 has an additional low-energy excitation characterized by a lower activation energy E2∼67 K with an attempt time τ0,(2)=5.1×10-11 s. J. Phys. Soc. Jpn. 77 (2008) 074607. Figure (a) Relative change in elastic constant ΔC11/C11 as function of temperature at frequencies of 34, 108, 180, and 253 MHz. (b) Solid lines show calculations of ΔC11/C11 using Landau-Khalatnikov theory. Dotted lines indicate the higher-frequency limit of the elastic constant C∞ and the low frequency limit C0. Arrows indicate the temperatures that satisfy the resonant condition of ω ∼ 1/τi. (c) Temperature dependence of ultrasonic attenuation coefficient α11 at frequencies of 34, 108, 180, and 253 MHz. Solid lines are theoretical fits using the parameters. (*This research was performed at UC San Diego and Niigata University in 2006.) |
「実験手法」 -Method-
図1 さまざまな極限環境(極低温・強磁場・高圧力)における物質中の電子の挙動を、超音波を使って調べています。
Q 電気四極子(でんきしきょくし)って何ですか?
A 原子の持つ異方的な電荷分布を表す物理量です。
元素は原子核と電子から構成されており、電子は原子核の周りを公転運動しています。元素は固体中や水溶液中に入るとイオン化し、最も外側を回る電子をいくつか放出します。残りの電子は原子核に束縛されており、特に金属化合物を構成するような原子番号の大きな(電子を沢山持った)元素の持つ電子は原子核の周りに球状の電子雲を形成しています。その球状電子分布は、数学的にさまざまな形の電荷分布の重ね合わせとして理解できます。これを専門的に表現すると「イオンが持つ局在電子の異方的な静電ポテンシャルを高次展開する」となります。対称性を保つために、その次数は2・4・8・16…と2の指数になります。電気四極子(electric quadrupole クアドゥルポール)とは、そのうちの蝶のような形をした二次の成分で、電子の軌道自由度に由来する二階のテンソル量として表現されます。
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Thermodynamic and transport studies of the ferromagnetic filled skutterudite compound PrFe4As12 T. A. Sayles, W. M. Yuhasz, J. Paglione, T. Yanagisawa, J.R. Jeffries, M.B. Maple, Z. Henkie, A. Pietraszko, T. Cichorek, R. Wawryk, Y. Nemoto and T. Goto |
A variety of thermodynamic and transport measurements were made on high-quality single crystals of the Pr-based filled skutterudite compound PrFe4As12. Abrupt features in magnetization, ac susceptibility, specific heat, resistivity, thermoelectric power, and ultrasonic velocity reveal the onset of long range ferromagnetic order below ThetaC=18 K. The low-temperature magnetic susceptibility is characterized by a Curie–Weiss law with an effective moment of 3.52µB/f.u. and a saturation magnetization of 2.3µB/f.u., which is consistent with a magnetic Γ5 triplet ground state. A gaplike reduction of the large electronic specific heat coefficient of 340 mJ/mol K2 and several other features point to a strongly correlated electron behavior that is likely coupled to a change in magnetic and/or structural order near T*~12 K. Furthermore, this complex magnetic state is found to be strongly field dependent, as evidenced by a change in the easy axis at low fields and an additional contribution to thermal conductivity appearing only at high fields. Phys. Rev. B 77 (2008) 144432. (Editor's Suggested). Figure : A comparison of low-temperature specific heat, electrical resistivity, magnetization, ac susceptibility, Upper: Temperature derivative of resistivity and electronic plus magnetic contributions to specific heat, which shows a striking resemblance of the temperature dependence of each throughout the entire range. Middle: Low-field (5 mT) dc magnetization and the imaginary part of the ac susceptibility, highlighting the coincidence of both the irreversibility temperature in M(T) and the peak in Chi_ac(T) with T*. Lower* Zero-field thermoelectric power and relative change in the elastic constant ΔC44/C44 as a function of temperature for PrFe4As12. (* This research was performed at UC San Diego and Niigata University in 2006-2007) |
T. Yanagisawa et al.: Physica B 403 (2008) 735-738.
T. Yanagisawa et al.: J. Phys. Soc. Jpn. 77 (2008) 074607.
まずは、図1をごらんください。左側に見えるのは幼児や猫が遊ぶ「ガラガラ」(英語では"Rattler" ラトラー)と呼ばれるおもちゃです。カゴ状の容器の中に鈴やボールが内包されています。「ラットリング」とは「ガラガラと音を鳴らす」という意味の英単語です。ガラガラ蛇のことも英語では"Rattle Snake"と呼びますね。
右にも似たようなカゴがあります。こちらは原子のカゴです。このようなカゴ状の結晶構造を持つ化合物は数多く知られています。原子のカゴの大きさはたかだか数ナノメートル(~0.000000001 m)。結晶の中においてはこれらの原子のカゴは規則的に並んでいます。原子のカゴの中をよく見ると、1つの原子が内包されています。図1の右に示した三つの物質に於いては、この内包原子が中心から外れた位置(オフセンター位置)を運動していると考えられています。このミクロな原子のガラガラ運動も、左のガラガラおもちゃと類推して「ラットリング」と呼びます。
図1 幼児や猫が遊ぶ玩具「ガラガラ」(左)と内包イオンを持つ原子のカゴ(右)
図1の右下にあるPrOs4Sb12という物質は、充填スクッテルダイト化合物と呼ばれる物質で、ラットリングを示すカゴ状化合物です。Os(オスミウム)原子が4つとSb(アンチモン)原子12個から構成されるカゴの中に、希土類元素(レアアース)のPr (プラセオディウム)原子(金属化合物なので正確にはイオン)が内包されています。2004年に後藤(新潟大)らよってPrOs4Sb12のラットリングが観測されて以来、原子カゴに内包された希土類イオンの局所振動と、電子系との強相関によって生じる局所電荷ゆらぎがもたらすエキゾチックな物性が注目され、カゴ状化合物を対象に「ラットリング」をキーワードにした研究の扉が開かれました。[1] それ以前にもMaple(UC San Diego)らによってPr化合物で初の重い電子超伝導、磁場誘起四極子秩序など多彩な物性を示すことが報告され非常に注目されてきた物質です。[2] また、充填スクッテルダイト化合物の物質群 RT4X12 (R = 希土類, T = Fe, Ru, Os, X = P, As, Sb)は、文部科学省の特定領域研究「充填スクッテルダイト構造に創出する新しい量子多電子状態の展開」によって日本国内で精力的に研究が推進されてきました.以上の研究背景を鑑み、我々はPrOs4Sb12のラットリングに起因するエキゾチックな物性を探索するために類似物質NdOs4Sb12を研究ターゲットに選びました。次に結晶構造を詳しくみてみましょう。
この記事には続きがあります:続きを読む ...
Ultrasonic investigation of field-dependent ordered phases in the filled skutterudite compound PrOs4As12 T. Yanagisawa, W. M. Yuhasz, T. A. Sayles, P. -C. Ho, M. B. Maple, H. Watanabe, Y. Yasumoto, Y. Nemoto, T. Goto, Z. Henkie and A. Pietraszko |
Elastic constant measurements down to 0.48 K and in magnetic fields up to 11 T were performed on a single crystal of the filled skutterudite compound PrOs4As12. The longitudinal CL111=CB+4C44/3 mode shows Curie-type softening below ~25 K, which is explained in terms of the quadrupole susceptibility modified by a crystalline electric field with a Γ4(2) ground state. A detailed H-T phase diagram for H || [111] is compiled with the elastic anomalies, which appear on the boundaries of two ordered phases at temperatures below 2.3 K and in fields below 3 T. The intermediate phase between 2 and 2.5 T assumes the aspect of antiferroquadrupolar ordering. Phys. Rev. B 77 (2008) 094435, also on J. Phys. Soc. Jpn. 77 (2008) Suppl. A, pp. 225-228. Figure : Magnetic field vs. Temperature (H-T) phase diagram of PrOs4As12 with fields (a) H || [111] and (b) H || [1-10]. Data points are determined by a feature of elastic anomalies; upward or downward in CL111 vs. H (solid circles and squares), CL111 vs. T (open circles and squares); minimum in CL111 vs. H (times), CL111 vs. T (plus). Error bars on the markers indicate roughly estimated transition width. Solid lines are guides to the eyes, separating the PM region (phase I), AFM region (phase III) and unknown ordered phase II and II'. (*This research was performed at Niigata University in 2007-2008.) |
The focus of our research (Nihongo)

私の専門は物性物理学といわれる分野です。物性とはまさにモノの性質。地球上の全てのモノは元素によって成り立っていますが、さまざまなモノの性質はその元素が持つ電子の状態によって決まっているといっても過言ではありません。この電子は「 スピン 」という磁気に関係する自由度と、「 軌道 」とよばれる電気的な自由度を持っています。このうちスピンの自由度は磁気測定などで検出することができますが、軌道の自由度は「超音波」で検出することができます。それでは具体的に超音波で何が見えるのでしょうか。音波は金属や絶縁体にかかわらずモノの中を自由に伝わるため、医療での診断や金属の破断など、主にドップラー効果を用いたイメージング(可視化)や非破壊検査などに広く応用されていることは皆さんご存知でしょう。一方、私の研究はそれらとは異なり、マイクロメータ(10-6m)程度の短い波長を持つ音波を用いてモノの固さを精密に測定し、「電気四極子」や「局所電荷ゆらぎ」(例えば原子のラットリング)といった固体内の電子にまつわる性質を調べています。研究対象となる物質は、さまざまな電子デバイスに応用可能な金属化合物や、宝石などで知られる絶縁体などの「単結晶」です。北海道大学には極低温実験の拠点がありますので、液体ヘリウムを用いた冷凍機を用いて絶対零度近傍までモノを冷やすことにより、さまざまな量子現象を観測することができます。
私は異分野との交流・共同研究を望んでいます。興味の有る方は是非 研究室にいらっしゃってください。
![]() |
Tatsuya YANAGISAWA, Ph. D |
▶ Address
E-mail: tatsuya@phys.sci.hokudai.ac.jp
Phone: +81-11-706-4422
Fax: +81-11-706-4926
Office/Lab: Faclty of Science Bldg. 5-1-30
Graduate School of Science
Hokkaido University
North-10, West-8, Kita-ku
Sapporo, 060-0810, Japan
〒060-0810 北海道札幌市北区北8条西10丁目
北海道大学 理学部5号館 5-1-30室
▶ Curriculum Vitae of T. YANAGISAWA
▶ Work Experience:
Professor, Hokkaido University 2022JUL-present
Associate Professor, Hokkaido University 2012-2022JUN
Overseas Research Log:
15 Aug 2018-07 Sep 2018 at HZDR (Helmholtz-Zentrum Dresden-Rossendorf)
15 Jul 2018-05 Aug 2018 at UC San Diego
Aug 2017-Sep 2017 at UC San Diego
Jul 2017-Aug 2017 at KFKL Chalres University
Nov 2015-Mar 2016 at HZDR (Helmholtz-Zentrum Dresden-Rossendorf)
Apr 2015-Nov 2015 at UC San Diego
Project Assistant Professor (Tenure Track), Hokkaido University 2008-2011
Postdoctral Scholar, Niigata University 2007
JSPS Postdoctral Fellow, University of California San Diego 2005-2006
JSPS Research Fellow, University of California San Diego 2004
Supervisor: Prof. M. Brian Maple
JSPS Research Fellow, Niigata University 2003
▶ Education:
PhD Physics, Graduate School of Science and Technology Niigata University 2004
Supervisor: Prof. T. Goto
MA Physics, Graduate School of Science and Technology Niigata University 2001
BS Physics, Niigata University 1999
▶ Fundings:

2023-2025年度 学術変革領域研究(A) 「精密物性測定によるアシンメトリ量子物質の新機能開拓」(23H04868) (代表)144,000千円
2022-2024年度 基盤研究C 「超音波と複合外場を用いた奇パリティ拡張多極子の検出」(22K03501) (代表)3,200千円
2021-2024年度 国際共同研究加速基金(国際共同研究強化(B)) (21KK0046) (代表)14,700千円 「ウランを含む強相関電子系化合物の国際先端研究協力ネットワークの持続的発展と強化」
2019-2022年度 基盤研究B 「小型汎用パルス強磁場を用いた先端測定による強磁場物性開拓(19H01832) (代表 井原慶彦)」 (分担)17,680千円2017-2019, Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research "KAKENHI Kiban (C)" (17K05525) of the JSPS. ~4420000 YEN (as a Principal Investigator)
Title " Ultrasonic Investigation of Uranium Compounds without Local Inversion Symmetry(局所空間反転対称性無きウラン化合物の超音波物性)"
2017-2018, Fund for the Promotion of Joint International Research (Fostering Joint International Research) (15KK0146) of the JSPS. ~14170000 YEN (as a Principal Investigator)
Title "Ultrasonic Study of Complex Quantum Degree of Freedom in Highly Symmetrical Cage Structured Compounds (Joint International Research)"
2014-2016, Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research "KAKENHI Kiban (C)" (No.26400342) of the JSPS. ~4680000 YEN (as a Principal Investigator)
Title "Ultrasonic Study of Complex Quantum Degree of Freedom in Highly Symmetrical Cage Structured Compounds"
2013-2015, Strategic Young Researcher Overseas Visits Program for Accelerating Brain Circulation (No.R2501) of The JSPS. ~35 Million YEN (as one of the dispatched researchers and program planners)
Title "Japan-US-EU Research Network for Physics of Strongly Correlated Electron System with Nuclear Materials"
2008-2010, Grant-in-Aid for Young Scientists "KAKENHI Wakate (B)" (No.20740192) of the Japan Society for the Promotion of Science. ~4680000 YEN (as a Principal Investigator)
Title “Novel magnetism and superconductivity on filled skutterudite compounds which possess rattling"
2005-2006, JSPS Postdoctoral Fellowships for
Research Abroad. ~10500000 YEN (incl. travel expenses, a stipend, and a research grant)
Title “Ultrasonic investigation of multipolar ordering on rare earth compounds and heavy fermion superconductor"
2003-2004, Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research of JSPS Research Fellowships for Young Scientists (DC/PD). ~2400000 YEN (as a Principal Investigator)
Title “Development of GHz ultrasonic measurement system and research on f-electron state of Tetragonal rare earth compounds"


2018-2019, Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research on Innovative Areas
"J-Physics" (No.18H04297) of The MEXT. ~4290000 YEN (as a Principal Investigator)
Title “電流と格子回転・歪みによる複合共役場を用いた拡張多極子検出の試み"
2011-2012, Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research on Innovative Areas
"Heavy Electrons" (No.23102701) of The MEXT. ~7200000 YEN (as a Principal Investigator)
Title “Ultrasonic Spectroscopy for Coupling between Local Phonon and Conduction Electrons in the Cage-structured Materials (カゴ状化合物の局所フォノンと伝導電子の結合に対する超音波スペクトロスコピー)"
2011-2012, Grant-in-Aid for Young Scientists "KAKENHI Wakate (B)" (No. 23740250) of the Japan Society for the Promotion of Science. ~4680000 YEN (as a Principal Investigator)
Title “Hydrostatic Pressure Effect for Quadrupole Response in the 5f electron systems"
2009-2010, Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research on Innovative Areas
"Heavy Electrons" (No.20102004) of The MEXT. ~7200000 YEN (as a Principal Investigator)
Title “A New Approach from Ultrasonic Measurement for Searching Rattling on Cage-structured Materials"

2022-2024年度 公益財団法人 日本板硝子材料工学助成会 研究助成 「常磁性セラミックス断熱消磁冷凍機の開発と超音波位相比較法による極低温量子物性研究への応用」(代表)1,200千円
2021年度 公益財団法人 豊田理化学研究所 豊田理研スカラー共同研究(Phase 1) 「人工合成ダイヤモンドの極低温・強磁場下における弾性特性」 (代表)300千円
2021年度 公益財団法人 豊田理化学研究所 豊田理研スカラー 研究助成金 「精密超音波測定法による多チャンネル近藤効果の実証」 (代表)1,000千円
2012, Intensive support grant by Hokkaido University chancellor to provide independent research environment for young scientists. ~400000 YEN (as a Principal Investigator)
Title “Ultrasonic Study of Strongly Correlated Electron System with Nuclear Materials under Pulsed-Magnetic Fields"
2011, Program for Promotion of Cross-Departmental Exchange of Researchers at Hokkaido University ~300000 YEN (as a Principal Investigator)
Title “HPAPS (Hokudai Pure and Applied Physics Salon)"
2009, Research Grant for Young Investigators, Northan Advancement Center for Science & Technology. ~400000 YEN (as a Principal Investigator)
Title “Development of Hi-Resolution Ultrasonic Measurement System Under Hydrostatic Pressure P > 1 GPa"
(+300000 YEN Research Award)
2008, Intensive support grant by Hokkaido University chancellor to provide independent research environment for young scientists. ~972000 YEN (as a Principal Investigator)
Title “Development of GHz-class ultrasonic apparatus and verification of rattling in Uranium-encapsuled clathrate compounds"
▶ Past Committee:
FY2013-FY2018, The Physical Society of Japan: Hokkaido Branch >Steering Committee
June 2017, 14th International Conference on Muon Spin Rotation, Relaxation, and Resonance (muSR2017) >Organizing Committee
Nov 2012-Sep 2013, The Physical Society of Japan >Steering Committee of Division #8(Magnetism)
May 2010-Apr 2011, The Physical Society of Japan >Steering Committee of Division #10(Phonon)
Aug 2009, International Symposium for Young Scientists on Physics of Strongly Correlated Electrons (2009 Sapporo) >Organizer (Chair)
研究機関 Research Institute
北海道大学 Hokkaido Univ.
|- 大学院理学研究院 Graduate School & Faculty of Science
|- 強相関電子磁性1(極低温)研究室 Very Low Temperature Group (Prof. H. Amitsuka)
|- 創成研究機構 Creative Research Institution
|- 研究部/リーダー育成システム Research Department / L-station (Leader Development System in the Basic Interdisciplinary Research Areas)
新潟大学 Niigata Univ.
|- 物質量子科学研究センター Center for Quantum Materials Science
|- 大学院自然科学研究科 Graduate School of Science and Technoligy
|- 後藤研究室(後藤輝孝教授) The Goto Lab. (Prof. T. Goto)
University of California, San Diego
|- Department of Physics
|- Maple Group. (Prof. M. B. Maple)
|- Institute for Pure and Applied Physical Sciences
政府機関 Government Agency
文部科学省 Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology
|- 科研費ホームページ KAKENHI (Promotion of Scientific Research)
経済産業省 Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry
学術雑誌 Journals
Nature Science PRL PRB JOP JPSJ
米国物理学会 APS (American Physical Society)
|- PLOLA (1893-Present)
|- Physical Review B
|- Physical Review Letter
|- Manuscript Submission
日本物理学会 JPS (Japan Physical Society)
|- 日本物理学会誌 JPSJ (Journal of Physical Society of Japan)
|- 物理学関係のWWWサーバ集
Institute of Physics (IOP)
|- Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter
エルゼビアジャパン Elsevier
|- Science Direct
|- Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials
|- Physica B
cond-matを含むプレプリントサーバ arXiv (Preprint Server incl. Cond-mat)
点群の指標 Point Group Symmetry (Details of Group Theory by Univ. of Newcastle)
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HUBER+SUHNER (同軸ケーブル・コネクタ) RF Products
プロフレックス 配管パーツのコンビニ
真鍮専門切削加工 (株)南製作所
特殊ネジ(非磁性・ポリカ) e-nedzi.com
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スチールラック LEAD(梅澤無線で取扱い)
スプリングプローブ・同軸コネクタ 日本コネクト工業(株)
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