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Magnetic-Field-Independent Ultrasonic Dispersions due to Rattling in the Magnetically Robust
Heavy Fermion System SmOs4Sb12 Tatsuya YANAGISAWA, Yoichi IKEDA, Hitoshi SAITO, Hiroyuki HIDAKA, Hiroshi AMITSUKA, Koji ARAKI, Mitsuhiro AKATSU, Yuichi NEMOTO, Terutaka GOTO, Pei-Chun HO, Ryan E. BAUMBACH, and M. Brian MAPLE |
Elastic properties of the filled skutterudite compound SmOs4Sb12 have been investigated by ultrasonic measurements. The elastic constant C12(\omega) shows two ultrasonic dispersions at ∼15 K and ∼53 K for frequencies \omega between 33 and 316 MHz, which follow a Debye-type formula with Arrhenius-type temperature-dependent relaxation times, and remain unchanged even with applied magnetic fields up to 10 T. The corresponding activation energies were estimated to be E2 = 105 K and E1 = 409 K, respectively. The latter, E1, is the highest value reported so far in the Sb-based filled skutterudites. The presence of magnetically robust ultrasonic dispersions in SmOs4Sb12 implies a possibility that an emergence of a magnetically insensitive heavy fermion state in this system is associated with a novel local charge degree of freedom which causes the ultrasonic dispersion. J. Phys. Soc. Jpn. 80 (2011) 043601. (also available on cond-mat/1010.1387) Figures (a) Comparison of the ultrasonic dispersions that appear in elastic constant C11 of ROs4Sb12 (R = La-Sm) at several frequencies. Lower arrowheads with numbers 1 and 2 indicate the relaxation point \omega\taui ∼ 1 for i = 1 and 2, respectively. (\omega is ultrasonic frequency and \tau is relaxation time) The displayed data have been shifted to eliminate overlapping with each other and the SmOs4Sb12 data are magnified three times for the \Delta C11/C11-axis. (b) Arrhenius plots of the characteristic parameters of the ultrasonic dispersions (Attempt time: \tau0(i), Activation Energy: Ei) for ROs4Sb12 (R = La-Sm). (*This research was performed at UC San Diego, Hokkaido University, and Niigata University in 2010.) |
2023-2025年度 学術変革領域研究(A) 「精密物性測定によるアシンメトリ量子物質の新機能開拓」(23H04868)
2022-2024年度 基盤研究C 「超音波と複合外場を用いた奇パリティ拡張多極子の検出」(22K03501)
2021-2024年度 国際共同研究加速基金(国際共同研究強化(B)) (21KK0046)「ウランを含む強相関電子系化合物の国際先端研究協力ネットワークの持続的発展と強化」