Ultrasonic Team (T. Yanagisawa, Hokkaido Univ,)    
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Magnetic Anomaly in the SC phase of UBe13

Nov 21, 2012

We have performed precise dc magnetization measurements for a single crystal of UBe13 down to 0.14 K, up to 80 kOe. We observed a magnetic anomaly in the superconducting (SC) mixed state at a field, named HMag* (∼26  kOe, at 0.14 K), implying that UBe13 has a magnetically unusual SC state. We expect that the origin of the HMag* anomaly would be (1) unusual SC diamagnetic response, or (2) a peculiarity of the normal-state magnetization due to vortices in the SC mixed state.
For more information please see our paper: Y. Shimizu et al., Phys. Rev. Lett. 109 (2012) 217001.
本研究の背景について日本語による解説記事があります。強相関電子磁性1研究室の研究トピックス「重い電子系超伝導体UBe13の超伝導混合状態における磁気特性 」 をご覧下さい。

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