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Tatsuya YANAGISAWA, Ph. D |
▶ Address
Phone: +81-11-706-4422
Fax: +81-11-706-4926
Office/Lab: Faclty of Science Bldg. 5-1-30
Graduate School of Science
Hokkaido University
North-10, West-8, Kita-ku
Sapporo, 060-0810, Japan
〒060-0810 北海道札幌市北区北8条西10丁目
北海道大学 理学部5号館 5-1-30室
▶ Curriculum Vitae of T. YANAGISAWA
▶ Work Experience:
Professor, Hokkaido University 2022JUL-present
Associate Professor, Hokkaido University 2012-2022JUN
Overseas Research Log:
15 Aug 2018-07 Sep 2018 at HZDR (Helmholtz-Zentrum Dresden-Rossendorf)
15 Jul 2018-05 Aug 2018 at UC San Diego
Aug 2017-Sep 2017 at UC San Diego
Jul 2017-Aug 2017 at KFKL Chalres University
Nov 2015-Mar 2016 at HZDR (Helmholtz-Zentrum Dresden-Rossendorf)
Apr 2015-Nov 2015 at UC San Diego
Project Assistant Professor (Tenure Track), Hokkaido University 2008-2011
Postdoctral Scholar, Niigata University 2007
JSPS Postdoctral Fellow, University of California San Diego 2005-2006
JSPS Research Fellow, University of California San Diego 2004
Supervisor: Prof. M. Brian Maple
JSPS Research Fellow, Niigata University 2003
▶ Education:
PhD Physics, Graduate School of Science and Technology Niigata University 2004
Supervisor: Prof. T. Goto
MA Physics, Graduate School of Science and Technology Niigata University 2001
BS Physics, Niigata University 1999
▶ Fundings:

2023-2025年度 学術変革領域研究(A) 「精密物性測定によるアシンメトリ量子物質の新機能開拓」(23H04868) (代表)144,000千円
2022-2024年度 基盤研究C 「超音波と複合外場を用いた奇パリティ拡張多極子の検出」(22K03501) (代表)3,200千円
2021-2024年度 国際共同研究加速基金(国際共同研究強化(B)) (21KK0046) (代表)14,700千円 「ウランを含む強相関電子系化合物の国際先端研究協力ネットワークの持続的発展と強化」
2019-2022年度 基盤研究B 「小型汎用パルス強磁場を用いた先端測定による強磁場物性開拓(19H01832) (代表 井原慶彦)」 (分担)17,680千円2017-2019, Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research "KAKENHI Kiban (C)" (17K05525) of the JSPS. ~4420000 YEN (as a Principal Investigator)
Title " Ultrasonic Investigation of Uranium Compounds without Local Inversion Symmetry(局所空間反転対称性無きウラン化合物の超音波物性)"
2017-2018, Fund for the Promotion of Joint International Research (Fostering Joint International Research) (15KK0146) of the JSPS. ~14170000 YEN (as a Principal Investigator)
Title "Ultrasonic Study of Complex Quantum Degree of Freedom in Highly Symmetrical Cage Structured Compounds (Joint International Research)"
2014-2016, Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research "KAKENHI Kiban (C)" (No.26400342) of the JSPS. ~4680000 YEN (as a Principal Investigator)
Title "Ultrasonic Study of Complex Quantum Degree of Freedom in Highly Symmetrical Cage Structured Compounds"
2013-2015, Strategic Young Researcher Overseas Visits Program for Accelerating Brain Circulation (No.R2501) of The JSPS. ~35 Million YEN (as one of the dispatched researchers and program planners)
Title "Japan-US-EU Research Network for Physics of Strongly Correlated Electron System with Nuclear Materials"
2008-2010, Grant-in-Aid for Young Scientists "KAKENHI Wakate (B)" (No.20740192) of the Japan Society for the Promotion of Science. ~4680000 YEN (as a Principal Investigator)
Title “Novel magnetism and superconductivity on filled skutterudite compounds which possess rattling"
2005-2006, JSPS Postdoctoral Fellowships for
Research Abroad. ~10500000 YEN (incl. travel expenses, a stipend, and a research grant)
Title “Ultrasonic investigation of multipolar ordering on rare earth compounds and heavy fermion superconductor"
2003-2004, Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research of JSPS Research Fellowships for Young Scientists (DC/PD). ~2400000 YEN (as a Principal Investigator)
Title “Development of GHz ultrasonic measurement system and research on f-electron state of Tetragonal rare earth compounds"

2018-2019, Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research on Innovative Areas
"J-Physics" (No.18H04297) of The MEXT. ~4290000 YEN (as a Principal Investigator)
Title “電流と格子回転・歪みによる複合共役場を用いた拡張多極子検出の試み"
2011-2012, Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research on Innovative Areas
"Heavy Electrons" (No.23102701) of The MEXT. ~7200000 YEN (as a Principal Investigator)
Title “Ultrasonic Spectroscopy for Coupling between Local Phonon and Conduction Electrons in the Cage-structured Materials (カゴ状化合物の局所フォノンと伝導電子の結合に対する超音波スペクトロスコピー)"
2011-2012, Grant-in-Aid for Young Scientists "KAKENHI Wakate (B)" (No. 23740250) of the Japan Society for the Promotion of Science. ~4680000 YEN (as a Principal Investigator)
Title “Hydrostatic Pressure Effect for Quadrupole Response in the 5f electron systems"
2009-2010, Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research on Innovative Areas
"Heavy Electrons" (No.20102004) of The MEXT. ~7200000 YEN (as a Principal Investigator)
Title “A New Approach from Ultrasonic Measurement for Searching Rattling on Cage-structured Materials"

2022-2024年度 公益財団法人 日本板硝子材料工学助成会 研究助成 「常磁性セラミックス断熱消磁冷凍機の開発と超音波位相比較法による極低温量子物性研究への応用」(代表)1,200千円
2021年度 公益財団法人 豊田理化学研究所 豊田理研スカラー共同研究(Phase 1) 「人工合成ダイヤモンドの極低温・強磁場下における弾性特性」 (代表)300千円
2021年度 公益財団法人 豊田理化学研究所 豊田理研スカラー 研究助成金 「精密超音波測定法による多チャンネル近藤効果の実証」 (代表)1,000千円
2012, Intensive support grant by Hokkaido University chancellor to provide independent research environment for young scientists. ~400000 YEN (as a Principal Investigator)
Title “Ultrasonic Study of Strongly Correlated Electron System with Nuclear Materials under Pulsed-Magnetic Fields"
2011, Program for Promotion of Cross-Departmental Exchange of Researchers at Hokkaido University ~300000 YEN (as a Principal Investigator)
Title “HPAPS (Hokudai Pure and Applied Physics Salon)"
2009, Research Grant for Young Investigators, Northan Advancement Center for Science & Technology. ~400000 YEN (as a Principal Investigator)
Title “Development of Hi-Resolution Ultrasonic Measurement System Under Hydrostatic Pressure P > 1 GPa"
(+300000 YEN Research Award)
2008, Intensive support grant by Hokkaido University chancellor to provide independent research environment for young scientists. ~972000 YEN (as a Principal Investigator)
Title “Development of GHz-class ultrasonic apparatus and verification of rattling in Uranium-encapsuled clathrate compounds"
▶ Past Committee:
FY2013-FY2018, The Physical Society of Japan: Hokkaido Branch >Steering Committee
June 2017, 14th International Conference on Muon Spin Rotation, Relaxation, and Resonance (muSR2017) >Organizing Committee
Nov 2012-Sep 2013, The Physical Society of Japan >Steering Committee of Division #8(Magnetism)
May 2010-Apr 2011, The Physical Society of Japan >Steering Committee of Division #10(Phonon)
Aug 2009, International Symposium for Young Scientists on Physics of Strongly Correlated Electrons (2009 Sapporo) >Organizer (Chair)