Apr 01, 2010




3He-4He Dilution Fridge 3He-4He Dilution Refrigerator (Oxford Instruments)
+ Superconducting Magnet 9 T
3He Fridge (Heliox) 3He Single-Shot Refrigerator (Heliox, Oxford Instruments)
+ Superconducting Magnet 12 T
3He Fridge (Heliox)  Secondary 3He Single-Shot Refrigerator (Heliox, Oxford Instruments) Secondary
Homemade Dilution Fridge Homemade Dilution Refrigerator (Gas-Handling System)
Homemade Dilution Fridge Homemade Dilution Refrigerator (Cryostat)
3He Gas Handling Sytem (Homemade) 3He Gas Handling System
Top Loading Probe for 3He Single Shot Top Loading Probe for 3He Single Shot Fridge
Metal Dewar with 8TSCM Metal Dewar with 8T SCM
6T SCM (Split Magnet) 6T SCM (Split Magnet)
Mini Fridge Top Loading 4He Mini-fridge
4He Fridge 4He Refrigerator

Measuring Apparatus

AC magnetization AC Magnetization System (w/ Lock-in Amplifier)
Quantum Design Co. PPMS (Shared Facility) Quantum Design Co. PPMS
+ Superconducting Magnet 9 T (Shared Facility)
PPMS Heat Capacity Cell for PPMS
Quantum Design Co. MPMS  (Shared Facility) Quantum Design Co. MPMS
+ Superconducting Magnet 5 T (Shared Facility)
MPMS MPMS Sample Probe
Ultrasonic System GHz Range Ultrasonic System 01 (初號機)
+ 4He Cryostat
Ultrasonic System 1 [Method] 超音波電子物性測定
Ultrasonic System 2 Ultrasonic System 02 (弐號機)

High-Pressure Cell

[Method] 高圧下における物性測定
Indenter-type Pressure Cell Indenter-type Pressure Cell
6 ton and 20 ton Pressure device 6 Ton Press
Capacitance Cell Capacitance Faraday DC Magnetization Cell
[Method] キャパシタンス式磁力計を用いた極低温精密磁化測定
Thin Piston Cilinder for MPMS Thin-Piston Cilinder Pressure Cell for MPMS
Thin-indenter Cell for MPMS
Ni-Cr-Al/Cu-Be Hybrid Piston Cilinder Cell
+ Ultra Thin Coaxial Cable for Ultrasonic Measurements

Sample Preparation Equipment

[Method] 物質合成
Box Furnace 01 Box Furnace 01
Box Furnace 02 Box Furnace 02
Box Furnace 03 Box Furnace 03
Tetra-Arc Furnace Tetra-Arc Furnace (Techno-Search)
Tetra-Arc Furnace Czochralski Process
Tetra-Arc Furnace
Plasma Jet Furnace Plasma Jet Furnace
Plasma Jet Furnace Plasma Jet Furnace (whole picture)
Quartz Bench 1 Quartz Bench
Quartz Bench 2 Quartz Bench
Wire Spark Cutter Wire Spark Cutter
Wire Spark Cutter Wire Spark Cutter (Inside)
Glovebox 01 グローブボックス(プラスティック)
Glovebox 02 グローブボックス(メタリック)
Clean-Booth 簡易クリーンブース(清潔君 初号機)
Centrifuge Machine Centrifuge Machine
SEM (Open Facility) Scanning Electron Microscope: SEM (Open Facility)
+ Energy Dispersive X-ray Spectroscopy: EDS
SEM (Open Facility)

Other Useful Facilities

Leak Detector Leak Detector (Open Facility)
Evaporator Evaporator
4He Superfluid Demonstorator 4He Superfluid Demonstorator (Homemade)
4He Superfluid Demonstorator 4He Superfluid Demonstorator (Homemade)
温泉君1号(自作 ヘリウム回収ライン凍結防止装置 Y. Kurahashi作) 温泉君1号(自作 ヘリウム回収ライン凍結防止装置 Y. Kurahashi作)
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