
Hayami Group

Poster presentation

International Conference (Invited Talk)

  1. ♦S. Hayami,
    "Altermagnetism viewed from multipole representation",
    Brainstorming Workshop Roadmap for Altermagnetism, NJIT, United States (1/8-10 2025)

  2. ♦S. Hayami,
    "Cross-correlation phenomena in antiferromagnets based on multipole representation",
    ISSP Theory mini-Workshop "Correlated Quantum Materials + beyond", ISSP, Japan (11/18-29 2024)

  3. ♦S. Hayami,
    "Cross-correlation phenomena in antiferromagnets based on multipole representation",
    APW-RIKEN-Tsinghua-Kavli workshop "Highlights on condensed matter physics", RIKEN, Japan (11/1-3 2024)

  4. ♦S. Hayami,
    "Cross-correlation phenomena in antiferromagnets with magnetic toroidal monopole, dipole, and quadrupole",
    The 15th APCTP workshop on multiferroics, Seoul, South Korea (8/22-24 2024)

  5. ♦S. Hayami,
    "Chiral magnetic textures in itinerant magnets",
    APS March Meeting 2023, K54.00001, Las Vegas, Nevada, United States (3/5-10 2023)

  6. ♦S. Hayami,
    "Skyrmion crystals in centrosymmetric magnets",
    Young Leaders Workshop: Emerging Quantum Spintronics, online (1/19 2022)

  7. ♦S. Hayami,
    "Mechanisms of square and triangular skyrmion crystals",
    International Conference on Frustration, Topology, and Spin Textures, Kobe International Conference Center, Hyogo, Japan (12/22-23 2021)

  8. ♦S. Hayami,
    "Classification of atomic-scale multipoles under magnetic point groups and application to multiferroic phenomena",
    The 12th APCTP Workshop on Multiferroics, online (11/15-17 2021)

  9. ♦S. Hayami,
    "Bottom-up design of momentum-dependent spin-split band structures in spin-orbit-coupling free antiferromagnets",
    New Trends in Quantum Condensed Matter Theory 2021, online (7/26-30 2021)

  10. ♦S. Hayami,
    "Atomic-scale augmented multipoles",
    Online international workshop "Recent Developments on Multipole Moments in Quantum Systems" (5/11-12 2020)

  11. ♦S. Hayami,
    "Classification of Atomic-Scale Multipoles under Crystallographic Point Groups",
    The International Conference on SCES 2019, Okayama University, Okayama, Japan (9/23-28 2019)

  12. ♦S. Hayami,
    "Momentum-Dependent Spin Splitting by Collinear Antiferromagnets without Atomic Spin-Orbit Coupling",
    J-Physics 2019 International Conference & KINKEN-WAKATE 2019 Multipole Physics, Kobe University, Hyogo, Japan (9/17-21 2019)

  13. ♦S. Hayami,
    "Augmented multipoles and cross-correlated couplings",
    J-Physics 2019 International Conference & KINKEN-WAKATE 2019 Multipole Physics, Tutorial session (Lecture) , Kobe University, Hyogo, Japan (9/17-21 2019)

  14. ♦S. Hayami,
    "Neel- and Bloch-type magnetic vortices in Rashba metals",
    SPIE Optics + Photonics 2019, Spintronics XII 11090-69, San Diego Convention Center, California, United States (8/11-15 2019)

  15. ♦S. Hayami,
    "Magnetic vortex and skyrmion crystals in frustrated magnets",
    International workshop Frontiers in Strongly Correlated Electron System, Hokkaido University, Hokkaido, Japan (10/19-20 2017)

  16. ♦S. Hayami,
    "Emergent odd-parity multipoles by spontaneous parity breaking",
    J-Physics 2017: International Workshop on Multipole Physics and Related Phenomena, Hachimantai, Iwate, Japan (9/25-28 2017)

  17. ♦S. Hayami,
    "Vortex and Skyrmion Crystals in Frustrated Itinerant Magnets",
    Skyrmionics: Materials, Phenomena and Applications, Santa Fe, New Mexico, United States (8/7-10 2017)

  18. ♦S. Hayami,
    "Spontaneous cluster multipoles by local parity mixing",
    The International Conference on SCES 2017, S30, Prague, Czech (7/17-21 2017)

  19. ♦S. Hayami,
    "Emergent spin-valley-orbital physics by cluster multipoles",
    EMN Bali Meeting 2017, A15, Kuta, Bali, Indonesia (6/21-24 2017)

  20. ♦S. Hayami,
    "Toroidal order in metals without local inversion symmetry",
    Trends in Theory of Correlated Materials, M-9, Shibuya-Campus, Aoyama Gakuin University, Tokyo, Japan (10/5-8 2014)

International Conference (Oral)

  1. ♦T. Sato,
    "Microscopic theory of unconventional magnetic and superconducting states",
    "Workshop on theory of cross correlations, multipoles, and computational material design", Gotenba, Shizuoka, Japan (2/17-18 2025)

  2. ♦S. Hayami,
    "Unconventional electronic orderings and cross correlations based on multipole representation",
    "Workshop on theory of cross correlations, multipoles, and computational material design", Gotenba, Shizuoka, Japan (2/17-18 2025)

  3. ♦K. Okigami and ♦S. Hayami,
    "Exploring topological spin order by using machine learning: A new stabilization mechanism for square skyrmion crystals",
    CT.QMAT24: International Conference on Complexity and Topology in Quantum Matterm, Sapporo, Japan (9/23-27 2024)

  4. R. Oiwa, ♦A. Inda, ♦S. Hayami, and H. Kusunose,
    "Microscopic stability mechanism of the helical structure of Tellurium",
    New Frontiers in Advanced Magnetism 2024, Sapporo, Japan (8/6-9 2024)

  5. ♦A. Inda and ♦S. Hayami,
    "Quantitative evaluation of chirality using the electric toroidal monopole",
    New Frontiers in Advanced Magnetism 2024, Sapporo, Japan (8/6-9 2024)

  6. S. Okumura, ♦S. Hayami, Y. Kato, and Y. Motome,
    "Emergent magnetic monopole lattices in centrosymmetric metals",
    International Conference on Magnetism (ICM2024), Bologna, Italy (6/30-7/5 2024)

  7. ♦K. Okigami and ♦S. Hayami,
    "Exploring topological spin order by using machine learning: A new stabilization mechanism",
    International Conference on Magnetism (ICM2024), Bologna, Italy (6/30-7/5 2024)

  8. H. Yoshimochi, R. Takagi, J. Ju, N. D. Khanh, H. Saito, H. Sagayama, H. Nakao, S. Itoh, Y. Tokura, T.-h. Arima, ♦S. Hayami, T. Nakajima, and S. Seki,
    "Multi-step topological phase transitions among meron/antimeron and skyrmion crystals in a centrosymmetric magnet",
    APS March Meeting 2023, S55.00004, Las Vegas, Nevada, United States (3/5-10 2023)

  9. ♦K. Okigami, ♦R. Yambe, and ♦S. Hayami,
    "Engineering a Skyrmion Crystal in Ferromagnetic/Antiferromagnetic Bilayers Based on the Magnetic Frustration Mechanism",
    APS March Meeting 2023, Q55.00002, Las Vegas, Nevada, United States (3/5-10 2023)

  10. ♦A. Kirikoshi and ♦S. Hayami,
    "Microscopic mechanism for intrinsic nonlinear Hall conductivity in noncollinear antiferromagnetic metals",
    APS March Meeting 2023, K55.00006, Las Vegas, Nevada, United States (3/5-10 2023)

  11. K. Kobayashi and ♦S. Hayami,
    "Skyrmion and vortex crystals in the Hubbard model",
    APS March Meeting 2023, K54.00009, Las Vegas, Nevada, United States (3/5-10 2023)

  12. Yuuki Yasui, Christopher Butler, Khanh Nguyen, ♦Satoru Hayami, Takuya Nomoto, Tetsuo Hanaguri, Yukitoshi Motome, Ryotaro Arita, Taka-hisa Arima, Yoshinori Tokura, and Shinichiro Seki,
    "Visualization of Magnetic Structures without Spin Sensitivity in the Skyrmion Magnet GdRu2Si2",
    The 9th International Symposium on Surface Science, 01pC-8, online (11/28-12/1 2021)

  13. Yuuki Yasui, Christopher Butler, Khanh Nguyen, ♦Satoru Hayami, Takuya Nomoto, Tetsuo Hanaguri, Yukitoshi Motome, Ryotaro Arita, Taka-hisa Arima, Yoshinori Tokura, and Shinichiro Seki,
    "Imaging the coupling between itinerant electrons and localised moments in the centrosymmetric skyrmion magnet GdRu2Si2",
    APS March Meeting 2021, B40.00002, online (3/15-19 2021)

  14. ♦M. Yatsushiro and ♦S. Hayami,
    "Theoretical study of odd-parity multipole orders in CeCoSi",
    APS March Meeting 2021, P43.00007, online (3/15-19 2021)

  15. Ying Su, ♦S. Hayami, and Shizeng Lin,
    "Dimension transcendence and anomalous charge transport in magnets with moving multiple-Q spin textures",
    APS March Meeting 2020, B59.00009, Denver, Colorado, United States (3/2-6 2020)

  16. Shun Okumura, ♦Satoru Hayami, Yasuyuki Kato, and Yukitoshi Motome,
    "Magnetic hedgehog lattices in noncentrosymmetric metals",
    APS March Meeting 2020, F41.00002, Denver, Colorado, United States (3/2-6 2020)

  17. Yuuki Yasui, Christopher Butler, Khanh Nguyen, Takuya Nomoto, ♦Satoru Hayami, Tetsuo Hanaguri, Yukitoshi Motome, Ryotaro Arita, Taka-hisa Arima, Yoshinori Tokura, and Shinichiro Seki,
    "Spectroscopic-imaging STM measurement of magnetic skyrmions in a centrosymmetric crystal",
    APS March Meeting 2020, F41.00007, Denver, Colorado, United States (3/2-6 2020)

  18. M. Naka, ♦S. Hayami, H. Kusunose, Y. Yanagi, Y. Motome, and H. Seo
    "Organic antiferromagnet as a spin current generator",
    The International Conference on SCES 2019, Okayama University, Okayama, Japan (9/23-28 2019)

  19. S. Okumura, ♦S. Hayami, Y. Kato, and Y. Motome,
    "Numerical study on magnetic hedgehog lattices in noncentrosymmetric metals",
    JSPS Core-to-Core Program International meeting “Core-to-Core Final Meeting in Jaca (2019)", Jaca, Spain (9/2-6 2019)

  20. R. Ozawa, ♦S. Hayami, K. Barros, G. W. Chern, Y. Motome, and C. D. Batista,
    "Vortex Crystals with Chiral Stripes in Itinerant Magnets",
    APS March Meeting 2016, C5.00012, Baltimore, Maryland, United States (3/14-18 2016)

  21. ♦S. Hayami, H. Kusunose, and Y. Motome,
    "Toroidal ordering in metals: band shift, magnetotransport, and magnetoelectric effect",
    APS March Meeting 2014, Y7.00013, Denver, Colorado, United States (3/3-7 2014)

  22. ♦S. Hayami, T. Misawa, Y. Yamaji, and Y. Motome,
    "3D Dirac Electrons on a Cubic Lattice with Noncoplanar Multiple-Q Order",
    APS March Meeting 2013, G13.00004, Baltimore, Maryland, United States (3/18-22 2013)

  23. Y. Motome, K. Nakamikawa, ♦S. Hayami, M. Udagawa, and Y. Yamaji,
    "Frustration, competing interactions & partial disorder in Kondo lattice systems",
    The International Conference on Highly Frustrated Magnetism (HFM 2012), T1-3, McMaster University, Hamilton, ON, Canada (6/4-8 2012)

  24. ♦S. Hayami, M. Udagawa, and Y. Motome,
    "Partial disorder in the periodic Anderson model on a triangular lattice",
    APS March Meeting 2012, T16.00006, Boston, Massachusetts, United States (2/27-3/2 2012)

Domestic Conference (Invited Talk)

  1. ♦速水 賢,
    "[in Japanese] 非従来型多極子の外場応答",
    [in Japanese] アシンメトリ量子トピカルミーティング「アシンメトリ量子物質における交差相関の開拓」, Kobe University、Hyogo (12/6-7 2024)

  2. ♦S. Hayami,
    "[in Japanese] 多極子理論を用いた機能性反強磁性体の開拓",
    [in Japanese] 第250回磁気学会研究会「次世代ナノテクノロジーを担う磁性理論・計算の新展開」, Ochanomizu、Tokyo (10/9 2024)

  3. ♦S. Hayami,
    "Altermagnetism and multipoles",
    Japan Physical Society Meeting, 79th Annual Meeting, Symposium, 16pN101-7, Hokkaido University, Sapporo (9/16-19 2024)

  4. ♦S. Hayami,
    "Magnetic toroidal moment under the quasi-kagome structure",
    [In Japanese] アシンメトリ量子トピカルミーティング「擬カゴメ構造を有する物質のアシンメトリ量子物性」, Wohlfahrt Toyama,Toyama (8/29-30 2024)

  5. ♦S. Hayami,
    "Cross correlations induced by multipole degrees of freedom in antiferromagnets",
    [In Japanese] H-Physics II 「対称性と物理現象-その発現と制御」, Kobe University,Hyogo (6/14-15 2024)

  6. ♦S. Hayami,
    "[in Japanese] 反強磁性体による創発スピン軌道物性",
    [in Japanese] 2023年度 第2回スピントロニクス研究会, エクシブ鳥羽, Mie (12/3 2023)

  7. ♦S. Hayami,
    "[in Japanese] 相関電子系に対する多極子表現論の構築と交差相関応答への適用",
    [in Japanese] 第17回シンポジウム「物性科学領域横断研究会」記念講演, 名古屋工業大学、Aichi (11/24-25 2023)

  8. ♦S. Hayami,
    "[in Japanese] 機能性トポロジカル磁性体の理論物質設計",
    [in Japanese] シンポジウム「トポロジカルデバイスの現在と未来」, online (10/2-3 2023)

  9. ♦S. Hayami,
    "[in Japanese] 対称性適合多極子基底を用いた新規物性開拓:スピン分裂・非相反伝導・フェロアキシャル秩序",
    [in Japanese] 金研研究会 強相関物質における創発物性研究の現状と将来展望, Tohoku University, Miyagi (4/22-23 2023)

  10. ♦S. Hayami,
    "Helimagnetism and helical structure",
    Japan Physical Society Meeting, 2023 Spring Meeting, Online Conference Symposium, 25pC2-3, Online (3/22-25 2023)

  11. ♦S. Hayami
    "Chiral degree of freedom based on microscopic multipoles",
    ISSP workshop "[in Japanese] カイラル物質科学の新展開", ISSP, Chiba (12/22-24 2022)

  12. ♦S. Hayami,
    "Symmetric and antisymmetric spin splittings in the systems without the atomic spin-orbit coupling",
    The 9th Metting「Frontiers of Condensed Matter Physics」, imagine hotel & resort , Hokkaido (2/6-8 2020)

  13. ♦S. Hayami,
    "Microscopic theoretical study on toroidal moment and cross-correlated electronic properties",
    Japan Physical Society Meeting, 74th Annual Meeting, 50012-2, Kyusyu University, Fukuoka (3/14-17 2019)

  14. ♦S. Hayami,
    "Skyrmion crystal phase in frustrated magnetisms",
    Frontiers of spin physics, Kyoto University, Kyoto (10/31-11/2 2018)

  15. ♦S. Hayami,
    "Augmented Multipoles and Cross-Correlated Couplings",
    Japan Physical Society Meeting, 2018 Autumn Meeting Joint Symposium, 9pB105-2, Doshisha University, Kyoto (9/9-12 2018)

  16. ♦S. Hayami,
    "Material design based on toroidal multipole degrees of freedom",
    J-Physics Topical Meeting, ‘Monodukuri’ Series No. 3 “Forefront of Materials Search”, Tokyo Metropolitan University, Tokyo (8/6-7 2018)

  17. ♦S. Hayami
    "Hybrid multipoles in orbital hybridization",
    Meeting「Multipole responses in noncentrosymmetric systems」, Hokkaido University, Hokkaido (1/23 2018)

  18. ♦S. Hayami
    "Hybrid multipoles in hybridized orbital systems",
    The 7th Metting「Frontiers of Strongly Correlated Electron Systems」, imagine hotel & resort , Hokkaido (12/4-6 2017)

  19. ♦S. Hayami,
    "Skyrmion crystals in magnetic insulators and metals",
    238th Meeting of Enreisou, Hokkaido University, Hokkaido (7/14 2017)

  20. ♦S. Hayami,
    "Magnetic vortex induced by effective spin interactions in the Kondo lattice model",
    J-Physics Topical Meeting, Hirosaki University, Aomori (5/20-21 2017)

  21. ♦S. Hayami
    "Multiple-Q magnetic ordering in localized spin and itinerant electron systems",
    The 6th Metting「Frontiers of Strongly Correlated Electron Systems」, Katsuura Kanko Hotel, Wakayama (12/20-22 2016)

  22. ♦S. Hayami,
    "Peculiar magnetism and electronic states in itinerant electron systems -multiple-Q ordering, Dirac electrons, and magnetic topological insulators-",
    JPS Hokkaido Division, Hokkaido University, Hokkaido (10/28 2014)

Domestic Conference (Oral)

  1. ♦S. Hayami,
    "Magnetic toroidal multipoles hidden in antiferromagnets",
    Transformative Research Areas (A) "Asymmetric Quantum Matters" FY2024 Area General Meeting/Public Research Kickoff Meeting, Higashi Hiroshima Arts & Culture Hall Kurara, Hiroshima (5/29-31 2024)

  2. ♦S. Hayami,
    "Representation of electronic order parameters breaking spatial inversion, time-reversal or gauge symmetries",
    FYR05 QLC meeting, The University of Tokyo, ISSP, Chiba (12/26-28 2023)

  3. ♦S. Hayami,
    "[in Japanese] 対称性適合多極子基底を用いたアシンメトリ量子物性の表現",
    Transformative Research Areas (A) "Asymmetric Quantum Matters" Kickoff meeting, Okayama University (6/10-11 2023)

  4. ♦S. Hayami,
    "Ferro-axial moment based on microscopic multipoles",
    Asymmetric Quantum 1st conference, Osaka University (8/9-10 2022)

  5. ♦S. Hayami
    "Electronic nematic phase under the breaking of time-reversal, spatial inversion, and gauge symmetries",
    Quantum Liquid Crystals, 2nd Publicly Offered Research Kickoff meeting, ISSP&online, Tokyo (6/18-19 2022)

  6. ♦M. Yatsushiro,
    "Nonlinear conductive phenomena under magnetic toroidal orderings",
    New material science of current-induced phenonemana, Hokkaido University, Hokkaido (11/26 2021)

  7. ♦S. Hayami,
    "Multipole degrees of freedom and off-diagonal responses",
    J-Physics Annual Meeting FY2019, Kobe University, Hyogo (1/6-8 2020)

  8. ♦S. Hayami,
    "Relation between microscopic multipole degrees of freedom and spin-split band structures",
    J-Physics Mini-Workshop in Sapporo, Hokkaido University, Hokkaido (7/22-23 2019)

  9. ♦M. Yatsushiro, ♦S. Hayami,
    "Odd-parity multipole orderings in a metallic f electron compound CeCoSi",
    J-Physics Mini-Workshop in Sapporo, Hokkaido University, Hokkaido (7/22-23 2019)

  10. ♦S. Hayami,
    "Augmented multipoles by bond degree of freedom –example of electric toroidal quadrupole ordering in Cd2Re2O7–",
    J-Physics Topical Meeting “Progress and Future Prospects of Research on Augmented Multipoles and Related Phenomena”, Meiji University, Tokyo (1/21-22 2019)

  11. ♦S. Hayami,
    "Augmented Multipoles and Cross-Correlated Couplings",
    J-Physics Topical Meeting “Progress and Future Prospects of Research on Augmented Multipoles and Related Phenomena”, Meiji University, Tokyo (1/21-22 2019)

  12. ♦S. Hayami,
    "Electric toroidal multipoles and cross-correlated couplings",
    1st ETQ meeting「Multipole orderings and superconductivity」, Hokkaido University, Hokkaido (8/8-9 2018)

  13. ♦S. Hayami,
    "Cross-correlated Couplings by Toroidal Multipoles through Local Orbital Hybridizations",
    J-Physics Annual Meeting FY2018, Tohoku University, Miyagi (5/24-26 2018)

  14. Y. Motome, T. Misawa, J. Yoshitake, and ♦S. Hayami,
    "Charge ordering instability in Kondo lattice systems",
    "Emergence of Heavy Electrons and Their Ordering" 4th workshop, 12D5, Tokyo Institute of Technology, Tokyo, (1/12-14 2013)

  15. ♦S. Hayami,
    "Partial disordered state in the periodic Anderson model on a triangular lattice",
    8th 2012 G-COE RA Meeting, Yuzawa hotel, Niigata, (7 2012)

JPS Meeting (Oral)

    • Japan Physical Society Meeting, 79th Annual Meeting, Hokkaido University, Sapporo (9/16-19 2024)

      • ♦Y. Ogawa, ♦S. Hayami,
        "Piezomagnetic Effects in Altermagnets with Higher-Order Spin-Split Bands"(17aN102-9)
      • ♦K. Okigami, ♦S. Hayami,
        "Machine learning model construction based on the momentum-space spin model"(18aS101-8)
      • ♦S. Kanda, ♦S. Hayami,
        "Nonlinear frequency-asymmetric optical response arising from chiral antisymmetric spin-orbit interaction"(18pN102-9)
      • ♦T. Sato, ♦S. Hayami, S. Kobayashi, Y. Asano,
        "Finite center of mass momentum pairing order in multiband superconductors"(19aE303-1)
      • ♦S. Hayami,
        "Altermagnetism and multipoles"(16pN101-7)
      • ♦A. Kirikoshi, ♦S. Hayami,
        "Magnetoelectric effect under finite-q magnetic toroidal order: Application to magnetic toroidal metal HoAgGe"(17pE306-14)
      • M. Gen, Y. Fujishiro, ♦K. Okigami, ♦S. Hayami, M. T. Birch, K. Adachi, D. Hashizume, T. Kurumaji, H. Sagayama, H. Nakao, Y. Tokura, T. Arima,
        "Study of the magnetic structure of the axion insulator candidate EuIn_2_As_2_ using resonant X-ray scattering"(18aE306-6)
      • M. Noda,N. D. Khanh,H. Sagayama,H. Yoshimochi,R. Takagi,H. Takeya,A. Kitaori,T. Nakajima,♦S. Hayami,S. Seki,
        "Discovery of antiferromagnetic meron crystal in a centrosymmetric rare-earth magnet GdNi2B2C"(18pE306-16)
      • R. Oiwa, ♦A. Inda, ♦S. Hayami, H. Kusunose,
        "Microscopic stability mechanism of the helical structure of Tellurium"(18pE307-14)
      • ♦A. Inda, ♦S. Hayami,
        "Microscopic origin of ferroaxial ordering induced by rotational distortion"(19aE306-5)

    • Japan Physical Society Meeting, 2024 Spring Meeting, Online Conference (3/18-21 2024)

      • ♦A. Kirikoshi, ♦S. Hayami,
        "Nonlinear Magnetostriction under Ferroaxial Ordering"(20pH2-8)
      • ♦K. Okigami, ♦S. Hayami,
        "Exploring topological spin order by using machine learning: A new stabilization mechanism for square skyrmion crystals"(20pC1-3)
      • ♦A. Inda, R. Oiwa, H. Kusunose, H. Yamamoto, ♦S. Hayami,
        "Analysis of chiralized methane molecule using electric toroidal monopole"(19aG1-9)
      • R. Oiwa, ♦A. Inda, ♦S. Hayami, T. Nomoto, R. Arita, H. Kusunose,
        "Construction of symmetry-adapted Closest Wannier models using multipole basis"(18pL3-8)
      • S. Okumura, ♦S. Hayami, Y. Kato, Y. Motome,
        "Versatile magnetic hedgehog lattice phases and spin scalar chirality induced by anisotropic interactions in centrosymmetric systems"(18pC1-8)
      • ♦R. Yambe,♦S. Hayami,
        "Stabilization of skyrmion crystals and control of topology by circularly polarized electric field"(18pC1-6)
      • Y. Dong, Y. Kinohsita, M. Ochi, R. Nakachi, R. Higashinaka, ♦S. Hayami, Y. Wan, Y. Arai, S. Huh, M. Hashimoto, D. Lu, M. Tokunaga, Y. Aoki, T. D. Matsuda, T. Kondo,
        "Magnetic-domain-dependent pseudogap induced by Fermi surface nesting in GdRu2Si2"(18pE2-5)
      • ♦S. Kanda, ♦S. Hayami,
        "Nonlinear optical response characteristics of chiral crystal structures"(20pPSD-2)

    • Japan Physical Society Meeting, 78th Annual Meeting, Tohoku University, Miyagi (9/16-19 2023)

      • N. Matsuyama, T. Nomura, ♦S. Hayami, Y. Kato, H. Yoshimochi, N. D. Khanh, R. Takagi, Y. Tokura, S. Seki, Y. Kohama,
        "Report on Novel Magnetic Phases and Investigation of the Magnetism in Centrosymmetric Skyrmion-host GdRu2(Si, Ge)2"(17pA401-4)
      • H. Yoshimochi, R. Takagi, N. D. Khanh, ♦S. Hayami, S. Seki,
        "Angular dependence of magnetic phase diagram in a centrosymmetric tetragonal skyrmion-hosting magnet GdRu2Ge2"(17pA401-3)
      • S. Tsutsui, H. Hanate, T. Honda, ♦S. Hayami, N. Nagasawa, Y. Yoda, K. Matsuhira,
        "Mossbauer spectroscopy and neutron diffraction of Ca5Ir3O12"(17aA404-7)
      • ♦A. Inda, ♦S. Hayami,
        "Magnetic instability under electric toroidal dipole ordering"(17aA401-2)
      • ♦A. Kirikoshi, ♦S. Hayami,
        "Classification of Superconducting Gap Symmetry by Multipole Basis"(16aA401-13)
      • ♦R. Yambe, ♦S. Hayami,
        "Noncoplanr spin textures stabilized by laser-induced magnetic interactions"(18aC200-4)
      • N. Tomoda, Y. Fujisawa, ♦S. Hayami, B. R. M. Smith, T. Nakamura, Y. Okada,
        "Imaging a new CDW order in the antiferromagnetic phase of TbTe3"(16aB102-6)

    • Japan Physical Society Meeting, 2023 Spring Meeting, Online Conference (3/22-25 2023)

      • ♦S. Hayami,
        "Helimagnetism and helical structure"(25pC2-3)
      • ♦R. Yambe,♦S. Hayami,
        "Symmetry analysis of laser-induced magnetic anisotropy"(25aC2-6)
      • ♦A. Inda,♦S. Hayami,
        "Nonlinear transverse magnetic susceptibility under electric toroidal dipole ordering"(23aH3-4)
      • Y. Ichino,T. Miyamoto,R. Kojiyama,S. Hosoi,M. Shimozawa,K. Izawa,♦M. Yatsushiro,♦S. Hayami,Y. Onuki,D. Aoki,
        "Nonlinear transverse conductivity under magnetic field in the ferri-/antiferro-magnetic toroidal candidate metal HoAgGe"(22pH2-1)
      • R. Takagi,H. Kono,H. Saito,J. S. White,V. Ukleev,♦S. Hayami,T. Nakajima,S. Seki,
        "Control of magnetic anisotropy and stability of magnetic skyrmion state in a centrosymmetric itinerant magnet EuAl4"(22aH1-1)

    • Japan Physical Society Meeting, 2022 Autumn Meeting, Tokyo Institute of Technology, Tokyo (9/12-15 2022)

      • T. Miyamoto, S. Takao, K. Ota, R. Kojiyama, S. Hosoi, M. Shimozawa, K. Izawa, M. Yatsushiro, ♦S. Hayami, Y. Onuki, D. Aoki,
        "Nonlinear transverse conductivity in the new toroidal metal HoAgGe"(15aW331-6)
      • H. Yoshimochi, R. Takagi, J. Ju, ♦S. Hayami, N. D. Khanh, S. Aji, H. Saito, D. Singh, P. Baral, L. Spitz, V. Ukleev, J. S. White, S. Francoual, J. R. L. Mardegan, H. Sagayama, H. Nakao, T. Arima, Y. Tokura, T. Nakajima, S. Seki,
        "Unveiling the whole picture of the magnetic phase diagram in a centrosymmetric tetragonal multiple-skyrmion-phase-hosting magnet GdRu2(Si1-xGex)2"(14pW631-10)
      • K. Kobayashi, ♦S. Hayami,
        "Skyrmions and merons in the Hubbard model"(14pW631-5)
      • ♦A. Kirikoshi, ♦S. Hayami,
        "Intrinsic Nonlinear Hall Effect in PT-symmetric Noncollinear Antiferromagnetic Metal"(13aW331-11)

    • Japan Physical Society Meeting, 77th Annual Meeting, Online Conference (3/15-19 2022)

      • ♦M. Yatsushiro, ♦S. Hayami,
        "Mean-field study of multipole orderings in CeCoSi"(15aGB32-3)
      • ♦K. Okigami, ♦R. Yambe, ♦S. Hayami,
        "Skyrmion crystals in ferromagnetic-antiferromagnetic bilayer systems"(15pT31-10)
      • ♦R. Yambe, ♦S. Hayami,
        "Emergence of antiferro- and ferri-chiral skyrmion crystals in itinerant magnets on the honeycomb lattice"(16aGB41-1)
      • ♦S. Hayami, T. Okubo, Y. Motome,
        "Phase shift in skyrmion crystals"(17aT31-12)

    • Japan Physical Society Meeting, 2021 Autumn Meeting, Online Conference (9/20-23 2021)

      • ♦R. Yambe, ♦S. Hayami,
        "Classification of magnetic anisotropy with wave number dependence based on group theory and application to the skyrmion crystals in itinerant magnets"(20aC1-3)
      • J. Nasu, ♦S. Hayami,
        "Antisymmetric thermopolarization by electric toroidal multipoles"(20pH1-12)
      • ♦T. Matsumoto, ♦S. Hayami,
        "Neel and Bloch skyrmion crystals induced by bond-dependent anisotropic exchange interactions in triangular frustrated magnets"(21aC1-7)
      • S. Okumura, ♦S. Hayami, Y. Kato, Y. Motome,
        "Magnetic field dependence of the helical plane and ellipticity in multiple-Q magnetic textures in a centrosymmetric system"(21pC1-1)
      • ♦S. Hayami,
        "Multiple skyrmion crystals in frustrated itinerant magnets"(21pC1-4)
      • N. D. Khanh, T. Nakajima, ♦S. Hayami, S. Gao, Y. Yamasaki, H. Sagayama, H. Nakao, R. Takagi, Y. Motome, Y. Tokura, T. Arima, S. Seki,
        "Multiple-Q spin textures in tetragonal itinerant magnet GdRu2Si2"(21pC1-5)
      • ♦S. Hayami, ♦R. Yambe,
        "Study of short-period skyrmion-hosting material EuPtSi based on an effective spin model"(23pH2-9)

    • Japan Physical Society Meeting, 76th Annual Meeting, Online Conference (3/12-15 2021)

      • ♦R. Yambe, ♦S. Hayami,
        "New mechanism for stabilizing the skyrmion crystals in itinerant magnets due to the magnetic anisotropy"(12pH3-11)
      • Y. Kato, ♦S. Hayami, Y. Motome,
        "Spin-wave excitation in multiple-Q magnetic orderings"(12aC1-5-5)
      • ♦M. Yatsushiro, H. Kusunose, ♦S. Hayami,
        "Classification of magnetic order by multipoles"(13aH2-6)
      • ♦S. Hayami, H. Kusunose,
        "Hidden spin-orbit coupling under magnetic quadrupole ordering"(13aH2-7)
      • S. Okumura, ♦S. Hayami, Y. Kato, Y. Motome,
        "Magnetic hedgehog lattices in centrosymmetric metals"(13pC1-10)
      • K. Matsuhira, H. Hanate, K. Nakamura, S. Kawano, M. Hayashida, T. Hasegawa, S. Tsutsui, ♦S. Hayami,
        "Hidden Order at 105K and Current-induced Phenomena in the Geometrically Frustrated Iridate Ca5Ir3O12"(13pH2-1)
      • H. Hanate, S. Kawano, K. Matsuhira, T. Hasegawa, S. Tsutsui, ♦S. Hayami,
        "Inelastic X-ray Scattering Study of the Hidden Order at 105 K in Ca5Ir3O12"(13pH2-3)
      • T. Hasegawa, H. Hanate, S. Kawano, K. Matsuhira, S. Tsutsui, s. Hayami,
        "Order parameter of the phase transition at 105K on Ca5Ir3O12"(13pH2-4)
      • ♦T. Matsumoto, ♦S. Hayami,
        "Nonreciprocal magnons due to cluster toroidal multipoles in noncentrosymmetric magnets"(14aC1-8)

    • Japan Physical Society Meeting, 2020 Autumn Meeting, Online Conference (9/8-11 2020)

      • ♦R. Yambe, ♦S. Hayami,
        "Skyrmion crystal induced by anisotropic spin-charge coupling in itinerant magnets"(8aC1-2)
      • S. Okumura, ♦S. Hayami, Y. Kato, Y. Motome,
        "Field-induced topological transitions in magnetic hedgehog lattices in itinerant magnets"(8aC1-4)
      • ♦M. Yatsushiro, ♦S. Hayami,
        "Nonlinear electric transport in electric and magnetic odd-parity multipoles on a zigzag chain"(8aC1-9)
      • Y. Yasui, C. J. Butler, N. D. Khanh, ♦S. Hayami, T. Nomoto, T. Hanaguri, Y. Motome, R. Arita, T.-h. Arima, Y. Tokura, S. Seki,
        "Relation between electronic-state modulations and magnetic structures in the magnetic skyrmion compound GdRu2Si2"(8pC1-8)
      • H. Yasuda, Y. Kato, ♦S. Hayami, Y. Motome,
        "First-principles analysis of spin-orbital coupled phenomena in a pyrochlore oxide Cd2Re2O7"(8pH2-2)
      • ♦M. Yatsushiro, ♦S. Hayami,
        "Theoretical study on NMR spectrum in the odd-parity multipole orderings in CeCoSi"(9aH3-1)

    • Japan Physical Society Meeting, 75th Annual Meeting, Nagoya University, Aichi (3/16-19 2020)

      • ♦T. Matsumoto, ♦S. Hayami,
        "Nonreciprocal magnon by symmetric anisotropic exchange interaction in honeycomb antiferromagnet"(16pE22-4)
      • S. Okumura, ♦S. Hayami, Y. Kato, Y. Motome,
        "Numerical study of the field effects on magnetic hedgehog lattices in itinerant magnets"(17pE24-1)
      • H. Yasuda, Y. Kato, ♦S. Hayami, Y. Motome,
        "First-principles calculation for the magneto-current effect in a pyrochlore oxide Cd2Re2O7"(16pB21-2)
      • Khanh Nguyen, Taro Nakajima, ♦Satoru Hayami, Shang Gao, Hironori Nakao, Hajime Sagayama, Yuichi Yamasaki, Yukitoshi Motome, Yoshinori Tokura, Takahisa Arima, Shinichiro Seki,
        "Multiple-Q spin textures in itinerant magnet GdRu2Si2"(17aB22-11)
      • ♦S. Hayami, Y. Yanagi, H. Kusunose,
        "Understanding of spin-split band structures based on multipole degrees of freedom in crystals"(19aD15-8)
      • ♦M. Yatsushiro, Y. Yanagi, ♦S. Hayami,
        "Nonreciprocal electric current under magnetic toroidal ordering on a zigzag chain"(19aD15-9)
      • ♦R. Yambe, ♦S. Hayami,
        "Derivation of the anisotropic Kondo coupling starting from the periodic Anderson model with the anisotropic c-f hybridization"(19aD15-12)
      • Japan Physical Society Meeting, 2019 Autumn Meeting, Gifu University, Gifu (9/10-13 2019)

        • S. Okumura, ♦S. Hayami, Y. Kato, Y. Motome,
          "Numerical study on multiple-Q magnetic hedgehog lattices in 3D itinerant electron systems"(12pB14-6),
        • M. Naka, ♦S. Hayami, H. Kusunose, Y. Yanagi, Y. Motome, H. Seo,
          "Anomalous Hall effect in κ-type molecular conductors"(11aK23-7)

      • Japan Physical Society Meeting, 74th Annual Meeting, Kyusyu University, Fukuoka (3/14-17 2019)

        • ♦M. Yatsushiro, ♦S. Hayami,
          "Theoretical study of odd-parity multipole orderings in CeCoSi"(15pS301-10)
        • ♦T. Matsumoto, ♦S. Hayami,
          "Skyrmion crystal phases in frustrated magnets with anisotropic exchange interactions"(15pF304-6)
        • M. Naka, ♦S. Hayami, H. Kusunose, Y. Yanagi, Y. Motome, H. Seo,
          "Symmetry breaking and transport properties in κ-type molecular conductors"(15aB211-4)
        • ♦R. Yambe, ♦S. Hayami,
          "Multiple-Q ordering in d-p model with strong Hund’s rule coupling"(14pS301-9)

      • Japan Physical Society Meeting, 2018 Autumn Meeting, Doshisha University, Kyoto (9/9-12 2018)

        • ♦S. Hayami, ♦M. Yatsushiro, Y. Yanagi, H. Kusunose,
          "Classification of atomic-scale multipoles under crystallographic point groups"(10pB203-10)
        • ♦S. Hayami, Y. Yanagi, H. Kusunose, Y. Motome,
          "Possibility of electric toroidal quadrupole ordering in Cd2Re2O7"(9aB206-7)
        • M. Naka, ♦S. Hayami, H. Kusunose, Y. Yanagi, Y. Motome, H. Seo
          "Spin current generation in κ-type molecular conductors"(11pK302-7)
        • M. Naka, ♦S. Hayami, H. Kusunose, Y. Yanagi, Y. Motome, H. Seo
          "Spin splitting in κ-type molecular conductors"(11pK302-6)
        • Y. Yanagi, ♦S. Hayami, Y. Motome, H. Kusunose,
          "Multipole ordering and nonreciprocal response in Cd2Re2O7"(9aB206-8)

      • Japan Physical Society Meeting, 73rd Annual Meeting, Tokyo University of Science, Chiba (3/22-25 2018)

        • , H. Kusunose, and Y. Motome,
          "Odd-parity multipoles and magnetoelectric effects in 5d transition metal oxides AOsO4(A=K, Rb, Cs)"(25aK304-9)

      • Japan Physical Society Meeting, 2017 Autumn Meeting, Iwate University, Iwate (9/21-24 2017)

        • ♦S. Hayami and Y. Motome,
          "Multiple-Q magnetic orderings in the Kondo lattice model with the spin-orbit coupling"(23aE20-7)
        • ♦S. Hayami and Y. Motome,
          "Effect of magnetic anisotropy on skyrmion crystal in the Kondo lattice model"(23aE20-6)
        • ♦S. Hayami, H. Kusunose,
          "Toroidal multipoles in local parity mixing systems"(22aF11-11)
        • Y. Yanagi,, ♦S. Hayami, H. Kusunose,
          "Theory of magnetoelectric response in honeycomb antiferromagnet Co4Nb2O9"(22aF11-12)

      • Japan Physical Society Meeting, 71st Annual Meeting, Osaka University, Osaka (3/17-20 2017)

        • ♦S. Hayami, R. Ozawa, Y. Motome,
          "Skyrmion crystal phase induced by effective spin-spin interactions in the Kondo lattice model"(19pC24-8)
        • Y. Yanagi,, ♦S. Hayami, H. Kusunose,
          "Theoretical study on magnetoelectric effect in Co4Nb2O9"(20aL22-4)
        • R. Ozawa, ♦S. Hayami, Y. Motome,
          "Temperature-field phase diagram of skyrmion crystals with different topological numbers in the Kondo lattice model"(19pC24-9)

      • Japan Physical Society Meeting, 2016 Autumn Meeting, Kanazawa University, Ishikawa (9/13-16 2016)

        • ♦S. Hayami, H. Kusunose, and Y. Motome,
          "Emergent spin-valley-orbital physics by spontaneous parity breaking"(14pKE-3),
        • ♦S. Hayami, S.-Z. Lin, and C. D. Batista,
          "Bubble and skyrmion crystals in frustrated magnets with easy-axis anisotropy"(13aAA-3)
        • ♦S. Hayami, S.-Z. Lin, and C. D. Batista,
          "Magnetic Vortex Induced by Nonmagnetic Impurity in Frustrated Magnets"(13aAA-2)
        • R. Ozawa, ♦S. Hayami, and Y. Motome,
          "Domain structure of multiple-Q ordered states in itinerant magnets"(13pAP-7)
        • R. Ozawa, Kipton Barros, ♦S. Hayami, and Y. Motome,
          "Collinear, coplanar, and noncoplanar magnetic transitions induced by the magnetic anisotropy and external magnetic field in spin-charge coupled systems"(13pAP-5),

      • Japan Physical Society Meeting, 2015 Autumn Meeting, Kansai University, Osaka (9/16-19 2015)

        • ♦Satoru Hayami, Ryo Ozawa, Yukitoshi Motome, Cristian D. Batista,
          "Stabilizing Mechanism of Meron Crystals: Weak Coupling Approach"(16aDC-2)
        • Ryo Ozawa, Kipton Barros, ♦Satoru Hayami, Gia-Wei Chern, Masafumi Udagawa, Yukitoshi Motome, Cristian D. Batista,
          "Numerical Study on Meron Crystals with Spin Scalar Chiral Stripes on a Square Lattice"(16aDC-1)

      • Japan Physical Society Meeting, 70st Annual Meeting, Waseda University, Tokyo (3/21-24 2015)

        • ♦S. Hayami, H. Kusunose, and Y. Motome,
          "Collective excitations in toroidal ordered systems"(23pBF-13)
        • Y. Sugita, ♦S. Hayami, and Y. Motome,
          "Orbital order and anomalous electronic state in a d-p model with parity mixing"(23pBF-12)

      • Japan Physical Society Meeting, 2014 Autumn Meeting, Chubu University, Aichi (9/7-10 2014)

        • ♦S. Hayami, H. Kusunose, and Y. Motome,
          "Magnetic ordering in an extended Kondo lattice model with local parity mixing"(9aBG-6)
        • ♦S. Hayami, H. Kusunose, and Y. Motome,
          "Spontaneous parity breaking in spin-orbital coupled systems"(9aBG-5)
        • ♦S. Hayami and Y. Motome,
          "A stabilization mechanism of noncollinear and noncoplanar magnetic ordering in itinerant electron systems"(9aBG-4)

      • Japan Physical Society Meeting, 69st Annual Meeting, Tokai University, Kanagawa (3/27-30 2014)

        • ♦S. Hayami, H. Kusunose, and Y. Motome,
          "Torodial ordering in metals: band shift, magnetotransport, and magnetoelectric effect"(29pAY-2)

      • Japan Physical Society Meeting, 2013 Autumn Meeting, Tokushima University, Tokushima (9/25-28 2013)

        • ♦S. Hayami, T. Misawa, Y. Yamaji, and Y. Motome,
          "Monte Carlo analysis of multiple-Q magnetic ordering in the classical Kondo lattice model on a cubic lattice"(27pKF-5)

      • Japan Physical Society Meeting, 68st Annual Meeting, Hiroshima University, Hiroshima (3/26-29 2013)

        • ♦S. Hayami, T. Misawa, Y. Yamaji, and Y. Motome,
          "Noncoplanar multiple-Q magnetic ordering with three-dimensional Dirac electrons on a cubic lattice"(26aXJ-11)

      • Japan Physical Society Meeting, 2012 Autumn Meeting, Yokohama National University, Kanagawa (9/18-21 2012)

        • ♦S. Hayami, M. Udagawa, and Y. Motome,
          "Partial disordered state induced by magnetic field and spin anisotropy in the periodic Anderson model on a triangular lattice"(20pGB-10)
        • ♦S. Hayami, T. Misawa, and Y. Motome,
          "Multiple-Q magnetic orderng and charge ordering in the periodic Anderson model"(21aFG-12)

      • Japan Physical Society Meeting, 67st Annual Meeting, Kwansei Gakuin University, Hyogo (3/24-27 2012)

        • ♦S. Hayami, M. Udagawa, and Y. Motome,
          "Partial disordered state near commesulate fillings in the periodic Anderson model on a triangular lattice"(26pYB-7)

      • Japan Physical Society Meeting, 2011 Autumn Meeting, Toyama University, Toyama (9/21-24 2011)

        • ♦S. Hayami, M. Udagawa, and Y. Motome,
          "Partial disordered state in the frustrated periodic Anderson model"(22pGB-8),

      • Japan Physical Society Meeting, 66st Annual Meeting, Niigata University, Niigata (3 2011 [the meeting is cancelled by earthquake])

        • ♦S. Hayami, M. Udagawa, and Y. Motome,
          "Partial Kondo Screening in the frustrated periodic Anderson model"(26aEF-8)


  1. [Informal] ♦Satoru Hayami,
    "Cross-correlation phenomena in antiferromagnets based on multipole representation",
    Seminar at Rutgers University, New Jersey, United States (1/7 2025)

  2. [Formal] ♦Satoru Hayami,
    "Emergent spin-orbit physics in spin-orbit-coupling free antiferromagnets based on multipole representations",
    KUJI QMAT Seminar, online (2/15 2024)

  3. [Formal] ♦Satoru Hayami,
    "Stabilization of triangular and square skyrmion crystals in centrosymmetric lattice systems",
    Special BLABS seminar at Los Alamos National Labratory, online (4/19 2022)

  4. [Formal] ♦Satoru Hayami,
    "Engineering nonreciprocal magnon excitations based on magnetic toroidal moment",
    StatPhys Seminar@U Tokyo, online (10/11 2021)

  5. [Informal] ♦Satoru Hayami,
    "Topological spin crystals by localized/itinerant frustration",
    PREST 4th informal meeting 「Topological defect in real space」, online (3/30 2021)

  6. [Formal] ♦Satoru Hayami,
    "Classification of multipoles and cross-correlated phenomena under crytsallographic point group",
    ISSP Qunatum material seminar, University of Tokyo, Chiba (12/28 2018)

  7. [Informal] ♦Satoru Hayami,
    "Chiral orderings in frustrated magnets",
    Motome Lab seminar, University of Tokyo, Tokyo (3/24 2016)

  8. [Formal] ♦Satoru Hayami,
    "Noncoplanar ordering in frustrated itinerant magnets",
    BLABS, Los Alamos National Laboratory, Los Alamos, New Mexico, United States (11/2 2015)

  9. [Informal] ♦Satoru Hayami,
    "Spontaneous Inversion Symmetry Breaking in Itinerant Electron Systems",
    Los Alamos National Laboratory, Los Alamos, New Mexico, United States (4/13 2015)

  10. [Formal] ♦S. Hayami,
    "Effects of electron correlation in spin-orbital coupled systems -parity breaking by charge, spin, and orbital ordering and peculiar responses-",
    Colloquium in Condensed Matter Physics, Niigata University, Niigata (11/12 2014)

  11. [Formal] ♦Satoru Hayami,
    "Toroidal order in metals without local inversion symmetry",
    ETH, Zurich, Switzerland (7/14 2014)

  12. [Informal] ♦Satoru Hayami,
    "3D Dirac electrons on a cubic lattice with noncoplanar multiple-Q order",
    Goethe University, Frankfurt, Germany (7/3 2014)

  13. [Formal] ♦Satoru Hayami,
    "3D Dirac electrons on a cubic lattice with noncoplanar multiple-Q order",
    Max-Planck Institute, Stuttgart, Germany (7/1 2014)

  14. [Informal] ♦Satoru Hayami,
    "Toroidal order in metals without local inversion symmetry",
    University of Cologne, Cologne, Germany (6/25 2014)

  15. [Informal] ♦S. Hayami,
    "Noncoplanar multiple-Q magnetic orderings in itinerant electron systems",
    Furusaki Lab seminar, RIKEN, Wako, Saitama (4/25 2014)

  16. [Informal] ♦S. Hayami,
    "Noncoplanar multiple-Q magnetic orderings with three-dimensional Dirac electrons",
    Kohno Lab seminar, Osaka University, Toyonaka, Osaka (7/5 2013)