
Hayami Group



  • JST FOREST (2024/10~2032/3)
    "(in Japanese) 多極子表現論の深化と機能物性の開拓" (JPMJFR2366) link,
    Project leader:Satoru Hayami
  • JST CREST Exploring Innovative Materials in Unknown Search Space (2023/10~2029/3)
    "Exploration of novel altermagnetic materials and their functional responses" (JPMJCR23O4) link,
    Project leader:Prof. Shinichiro Seki (The University of Tokyo)
  • Grant-in-Aid for Transformative Research Areas (A) Planned Research (2023/4~2028/3)
    "(in Japanese) アシンメトリ量子物質の基礎理論と設計" (JP23H04869) link,
    Project leader:Prof. Junya Otsuki (Okayama University)
  • Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (C) (2023/4~2026/3)
    "(in Japanese) 電気トロイダル単極子によるカイラル物質の特性解明と外場制御" (JP23K03288) link,
    Project leader:Prof. Hiroaki Kusunose (Meiji University)
  • Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (A) (2022/4~2027/3)
    "(in Japanese) 中性子散乱による量子磁性研究の新展開" (JP22H00101) link,
    Project leader:Prof. Taku J Sato (Tohoku University)
  • Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (B) (2022/4~2026/3)
    "(in Japanese) スピン軌道結合系イリジウム酸化物の逐次新奇相転移と電流誘起交差相関物性の解明" (JP22H01183) link,
    Project leader:Prof. Kazuyuki Matsuhira (Kyushu Institute of Technology)
  • Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (B) (2021/4~2024/3)
    "Systematic understanding of cross-correlated coupling and quantum transport based on augmented multipoles and exploring for functional materials" (JP21H01037) link,
    Project leader:Satoru Hayami
  • (Finished)

  • Japan Science and Technology Agency, PRESTO "Topological Materials Science for Creation of Innovative Functions" (2020/11~2024/3)
    "Theoretical study of novel topological magnets based on spiral structures" (JPMJPR20L8) link,
    Project leader:Satoru Hayami
  • Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research on Innovative Areas 「Quantum Liquid Crystals」 (2022/4~2024/3)
    "Electronic nematic phase under the breaking of time-reversal, spatial inversion, and gauge symmetries" (JP22H04468) link,
    Project leader:Satoru Hayami
  • Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (B) (2019/4~2022/3)
    "(in Japanese)反転対称性の破れた磁性体における非相反マグノンの研究" (JP19H01834) link,
    Project leader:Prof. Taku J Sato (Tohoku University)
  • Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (C) (2019/4~2022/3)
    "(in Japanese)微視的多極子の秩序による創発スピン軌道物性の開拓" (JP19K03752) link,
    Project leader:Prof. Hiroaki Kusunose (Meiji University)
  • Toyota Physical and Chemical Research Institute, Toyota Riken Scholarship (2019/4-2020/3)
    "Theoretical search for new skyrmion crystals based on crystalline magnetic anisotropy" link,
    Project leader:Satoru Hayami
  • Grand-in-Aid for Early-Career Scientists (2018/4~2021/3)
    "Mechanisom of chiral magnetic orderings and search for unconventional magnetic conductivity in itinerant magnets" (JP18K13488),
    Project leader:Satoru Hayami
  • Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research on Innovative Areas 「J-Physics: Physics of Conductive Multipole Systems」 (2018/4~2020/3)
    Solicitation Project "Novel multiferroics by toroidal multipoles in hybrid orbital systems" (JP18H04296),
    Project leader:Satoru Hayami
  • Grant-in-Aid for Research Activity start-up (2016/10~2018/3)
    "Theoretical search and control of toroidal moment hidden in magnetic states with strong spin-orbit coupling" (JP16H06590),
    Project leader:Satoru Hayami
  • Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (C) (2015/4~2018/3)
    "Theory of quantum transport and optical response emergent from spatial and time reversal inversion symmetry breaking" (JP15K05176),
    Project leader;Prof. Hiroaki Kusunose (Meiji Univ.)
    (I join this project from 2016 as )
  • Grant-in-Aid for JSPJ Fellows (DC1) (2012/4~2015/3)
    "Theoretical study of novel magnetic and charge orderings and magnetotransport in partial disorder in the Kondo systems" (12J09153),
    Project leader:Satoru Hayami
    (chagne to PD from Sep. 2014)