
Hayami Group      

国際会議 (ポスター発表)

  1. ♦S. Kanda and ♦S. Hayami,
    "Size dependence of surface effects in 1D models",
    "Workshop on theory of cross correlations, multipoles, and computational material design", Gotenba, Shizuoka, Japan (2/17-18 2025)

  2. ♦Y. Zha and ♦S. Hayami,
    "Mean-field analysis of a square skyrmion lattice in multi-orbital f-electron systems",
    "Workshop on theory of cross correlations, multipoles, and computational material design", Gotenba, Shizuoka, Japan (2/17-18 2025)

  3. ♦Y. Ogawa and ♦S. Hayami,
    "Nonlinear Piezomagnetic Effects in g-wave Altermagnets",
    "Workshop on theory of cross correlations, multipoles, and computational material design", Gotenba, Shizuoka, Japan (2/17-18 2025)

  4. ♦S. Ohgata and ♦S. Hayami,
    "Intrinsic anomalous Hall effect under anisotropic magnetic dipole versus conventional magnetic dipole",
    "Workshop on theory of cross correlations, multipoles, and computational material design", Gotenba, Shizuoka, Japan (2/17-18 2025)

  5. ♦A. Inda and ♦S. Hayami,
    "Origin of ferroaxial moment under rotational distortion",
    "Workshop on theory of cross correlations, multipoles, and computational material design", Gotenba, Shizuoka, Japan (2/17-18 2025)

  6. ♦S. Kanda and ♦S. Hayami,
    "Nonlinear optical responses and their frequency dependence under chiral crystal structure",
    New Frontiers in Advanced Magnetism 2024, Sapporo, Japan (8/6-9 2024)

  7. ♦A. Kirikoshi and ♦S. Hayami,
    "Magnetoelectric effect in magnetic toroidal metal HoAgGe",
    New Frontiers in Advanced Magnetism 2024, Sapporo, Japan (8/6-9 2024)

  8. ♦A. Kirikoshi and ♦S. Hayami,
    "Magnetoelectric effect in magnetic toroidal metal HoAgGe",
    META 2024, Toyama, Japan (7/16-19 2024)

  9. ♦A. Inda, R. Oiwa, ♦S. Hayami, H. Yamamoto, and H. Kusunose,
    "Quantification of chirality based on electric toroidal monopole: Application to a twisted methane molecule",
    META 2024, Toyama, Japan (7/16-19 2024)

  10. H. Yoshimochi, R. Takagi, J. Ju, N. D. Khanh, H. Saito, H. Sagayama, H. Nakao, S. Itoh, Y. Tokura, T.-h. Arima, ♦S. Hayami, T. Nakajima, and S. Seki,
    "Multi-step topological transitions among meron and skyrmion crystals in a centrosymmetric magnet",
    International Conference on Magnetism (ICM2024), Bologna, Italy (6/30-7/5 2024)

  11. ♦A. Inda, H. Kusunose, H. Yamamoto, and ♦S. Hayami,
    "Quantification of chirality based on electric toroidal monopole",
    MRM 2023, Kyoto, Japan (12/11-16 2023)

  12. ♦R. Yambe and ♦S. Hayami,
    "Symmetry analysis of light-induced magnetic interactions via Floquet engineering",
    Trends in MAGnetism 2023, Rome, Italy (9/4-8 2023)

  13. ♦K. Okigami, ♦R. Yambe, and ♦S. Hayami,
    "Engineering a Skyrmion Crystal in Ferromagnetic/Antiferromagnetic Bilayers Based on Magnetic Frustration Mechanism",
    Topological Matter School 2023, Donostia-San Sebastián, Spain (8/20-25 2023)

  14. ♦A. Kirikoshi and ♦S. Hayami,
    "Classification of Superconductivity in Multiorbital Systems by Multipoles",
    International Conference on Quantum Liquid Crystals 2023, Hokkaido University, Hokkaido, Japan (8/8-10 2023)

  15. ♦A. Inda and ♦S. Hayami,
    "Third-order transverse magnetic susceptibility under ferro-axial ordering",
    International Conference on Quantum Liquid Crystals 2023, Hokkaido University, Hokkaido, Japan (8/8-10 2023)

  16. ♦R. Yambe and ♦S. Hayami,
    "Floquet engineering of magnetic interactions: Understanding based on the crystal symmetry lowering",
    International Conference on Quantum Liquid Crystals 2023, Hokkaido University, Hokkaido, Japan (8/8-10 2023)

  17. ♦R. Yambe and ♦S. Hayami,
    "Sublattice-dependent Skyrmion Crystals by Itinerant Frustration",
    International Conference on Strongly Correlated Electron Systems 2023, Songdo ConvensiA, Incheon, Korea (7/2-7 2023)

  18. S. Okumura, ♦S. Hayami, Y. Kato, and Y. Motome,
    "Magnetic Hedgehog Lattices in Itinerant Magnets",
    International Conference on Strongly Correlated Electron Systems 2023, Songdo ConvensiA, Incheon, Korea (7/2-7 2023)

  19. K. D. Nguyen, T. Nakajima, S. Hayami, S. Gao, Y. Yamasaki, H. Sagayama, H. Nakao, R. Takagi, Y. Motome, Y. Tokura, T.-h. Arima, S. Seki,
    "Zoology of multiple-Q spin textures in centrosymmetric tetragonal magnet GdRu2Si2",
    29th International Conference on Low Temperature Physics, Sapporo Convention Center, Hokkaido, Japan (8/18-24 2022)

  20. S. Okumura, ♦S. Hayami, Y. Kato, and Y. Motome,
    "Quadruple-Q Hedgehog Lattices in Itinerant Magnets",
    29th International Conference on Low Temperature Physics, Sapporo Convention Center, Hokkaido, Japan (8/18-24 2022)

  21. Y. Kato, ♦S. Hayami, and Y. Motome,
    "Magnetic Field-Temperature Phase Diagrams and Spin Excitation Spectra for Topological Multiple-Q Magnetic Orders",
    29th International Conference on Low Temperature Physics, Sapporo Convention Center, Hokkaido, Japan (8/18-24 2022)

  22. ♦S. Hayami,
    "Skyrmion Crystals in Centrosymmetric Multi-Layer Systems",
    29th International Conference on Low Temperature Physics, Sapporo Convention Center, Hokkaido, Japan (8/18-24 2022)

  23. H. Yoshimochi, R. Takagi, ♦S. Hayami, J. Ju, N. D. Khanh, H. Saito, H. Sagayama, H. Nakao, T.-h. Arima, Y. Tokura, T. Nakajima, S. Seki,
    "Multiple-step topological phase transitions in a centrosymmetric tetragonal magnet GdRu2Ge2",
    29th International Conference on Low Temperature Physics, Sapporo Convention Center, Hokkaido, Japan (8/18-24 2022)

  24. ♦K. Okigami, ♦R. Yambe, and ♦S. Hayami,
    "Skyrmion crystal in a centrosymmetric bilayered system consisting of ferromagnetic and antiferromagnetic layers",
    29th International Conference on Low Temperature Physics, Sapporo Convention Center, Hokkaido, Japan (8/18-24 2022)

  25. ♦R. Yambe and ♦S. Hayami,
    "Constructing effective anisotropic spin models for multiple-Q states by symmetry argument and microscopic analysis",
    29th International Conference on Low Temperature Physics, Sapporo Convention Center, Hokkaido, Japan (8/18-24 2022)

  26. Y. Kato, ♦S. Hayami, and Y. Motome,
    "Magnetic field-temperature phase diagrams and spin excitation spectra for topological multiple-𝑸 magnetic orders",
    International Conference on Strongly Correlated Electron Systems 2022 (SCES2022), Amsterdam, The Netherlands (7/24-29 2022)

  27. ♦K. Okigami, ♦R. Yambe, and ♦S. Hayami,
    "Engineering skyrmion crystal in centrosymmetric ferromagnetic/antiferromagnetic bilayers",
    International Conference on Strongly Correlated Electron Systems 2022 (SCES2022), Amsterdam, The Netherlands (7/24-29 2022)

  28. ♦R. Yambe and ♦S. Hayami,
    "Classification of anisotropic exchange interactions in momentum space toward understanding multiple-Q instability",
    International Conference on Strongly Correlated Electron Systems 2022 (SCES2022), Amsterdam, The Netherlands (7/24-29 2022)

  29. Y. Kato, ♦S. Hayami, and Y. Motome,
    "Magnetic field-temperature phase diagrams and spin excitation spectra for multiple-Q magnetic orders",
    11th International Conference on Highly Frustrated Magnetism 2022 (HFM2022), O15, Paris, France (6/20-24 2022)

  30. ♦R. Yambe and ♦S. Hayami,
    "Effective anisotropic spin model in momentum space: Application to search for multiple-Q orderings,
    11th International Conference on Highly Frustrated Magnetism 2022 (HFM2022), T31, Paris, France (6/20-24 2022)

  31. S. Okumura, ♦S. Hayami, Y. Kato, and Y. Motome,
    "Quadruple-Q magnetic hedgehog lattices in itinerant magnets",
    11th International Conference on Highly Frustrated Magnetism 2022 (HFM2022), T30, Paris, France (6/20-24 2022)

  32. ♦R. Yambe and ♦S. Hayami,
    "Skyrmion crystals in itinerant trigonal magnets",
    International Conference on Frustration, Topology, and Spin Textures, P8, online (12/22-23 2021)

  33. S. Okumura, ♦S. Hayami, Y. Kato, and Y. Motome,
    "Quadruple-Q Hedgehog Lattice in a Centrosymmetric Metal",
    International Conference on Frustration, Topology, and Spin Textures, P15, online (12/22-23 2021)

  34. H. Hanate, S. Kawano, T. Hasegawa, S. Tsutsui, ♦S. Hayami, and K. Matsuhira,
    "Inelastic X-ray Scattering Study of the Hidden Order at 105 K in Ca5Ir3O12",
    The International Conference on SCES 2020, online (9/27-10/1 2021)

  35. S. Okumura, ♦S. Hayami, Y. Kato, and Y. Motome,
    "Magnetic Hedgehog Lattice in a Centrosymmetric Cubic Metal",
    DMI2021 "VI International Workshop Dzyaloshinskii-Moriya Interaction and Exotic Spin Structures", online (9/6-10 2021)

  36. S. Okumura, ♦S. Hayami, Y. Kato, and Y. Motome,
    "Hedgehog Lattice in a Centrosymmetric Cubic Metal",
    International Conference on Quantum Liquid Crystals 2021, online (5/11-13 2021)

  37. M. Naka, ♦S. Hayami, H. Kusunose, Y. Yanagi, Y. Motome, and H. Seo,
    "Spin current generation in collinear antiferromagnets",
    International Conference on Quantum Liquid Crystals 2021, online (5/11-13 2021)

  38. M.-T. Suzuki, T. Nomoto, R. Arita, Y. Yanagi, ♦S. Hayami, H. Kusunose, V. T. N. Huyen, K. Yamauchi, and T. Oguchi,
    "Multipole expansion for magnetic structures and its application to the study of anomalous Hall effect in antiferromagnets",
    The International Conference on SCES 2019, Okayama University, Okayama, Japan (9/23-28 2019)

  39. S. Okumura, ♦S. Hayami, Y. Kato, and Y. Motome,
    "Magnetic Hedgehog Crystals in Noncentrosymmetric Metals",
    The International Conference on SCES 2019, Okayama University, Okayama, Japan (9/23-28 2019)

  40. ♦R. Yambe and ♦S. Hayami,
    "Noncoplanar Double-Q State in d-p Model with Strong Spin-Charge Coupling",
    The International Conference on SCES 2019, Okayama University, Okayama, Japan (9/23-28 2019)

  41. ♦M. Yatsushiro and ♦S. Hayami,
    "Odd-Parity Multipole Order in CeCoSi",
    The International Conference on SCES 2019, Okayama University, Okayama, Japan (9/23-28 2019)

  42. ♦T. Matsumoto and ♦S. Hayami,
    "Nonreciprocal magnon by symmetric anisotropic exchange interaction on a honeycomb antiferromagnet ",
    J-Physics 2019 International Conference & KINKEN-WAKATE 2019 Multipole Physics, Kobe University, Hyogo, Japan (9/17-21 2019)

  43. ♦M. Yatsushiro and ♦S. Hayami,
    "Crosscorrelation phenomena by odd-parity multipoles in CeCoSi",
    J-Physics 2019 International Conference & KINKEN-WAKATE 2019 Multipole Physics, Kobe University, Hyogo, Japan (9/17-21 2019)

  44. S. Okumura, ♦S. Hayami, Y. Kato, and Y. Motome,
    "Numerical study of magnetic hedgehog lattices in itinerant electron systems",
    V International Workshop Dzyaloshinskii-Moriya Interaction and Exotic Spin Structures, Petrozavodsk, Russia (7/8-12 2019)

  45. M. Naka, ♦S. Hayami, H. Kusunose, Y. Yanagi, Y. Motome, and H. Seo
    "Organic antiferromagnet as a spin current generator",
    International Conference on Frontiers of Correlated Electron Sciences, P43, Bunkyo-ku, Tokyo, Japan (5/29-31 2019)

  46. S. Okumura, ♦S. Hayami, Y. Kato, and Y. Motome,
    "Numerical study of magnetic hedgehog crystals in itinerant chiral magnets",
    International Conference on Frontiers of Correlated Electron Sciences, P50, Bunkyo-ku, Tokyo, Japan (5/29-31 2019)

  47. S. Okumura, ♦S. Hayami, Y. Kato, and Y. Motome,
    "Numerical study of 3Q and 4Q hedgehog crystals in 3Dspin-charge coupled systems",
    CEMS Symposium on Emergent Quantum Materials, P16, Bunkyo-ku, Tokyo, Japan (5/22-24 2019)

  48. Y. Yanagi, ♦S. Hayami, and H. Kusunose,
    "Theoretical study on magnetoelectric response in the honeycomb antiferromagnet Co4Nb2O9",
    J-Physics 2017: International Workshop on Multipole Physics and Related Phenomena, P-21, Hachimantai, Iwate, Japan (9/25-28 2017)

  49. M. Yantsushiro and ♦S. Hayami,
    "Magnetic ordering in the d-p model with spin-orbit couplings on a zigzag chain",
    J-Physics 2017: International Workshop on Multipole Physics and Related Phenomena, P-46, Hachimantai, Iwate, Japan (9/25-28 2017)

  50. Y. Yanagi, ♦S. Hayami, and H. Kusunose,
    "Magnetoelectric response in Co4Nb2O9",
    The International Conference on SCES 2017, We-2-44, Prague, Czech (7/17-21 2017)

  51. R. Ozawa, ♦S. Hayami, and Y. Motome,
    "Large-scale simulation for formation of skyrmion srystals with a high topological number in itinerant magnets",
    1st International Symposium on Research and Education of Computational Science (RECS), Hongo, Tokyo (11/29-30 2016)

  52. R. Ozawa, ♦S. Hayami, K. Barros, G. W. Chern, Y. Motome, and C. D. Batista,
    "Vortex Crystals with Chiral Stripes in Itinerant Magnets",
    The International Conference on SCES, Mo-P051, Hangzhou, China (5/8-13 2016)

  53. R. Ozawa, ♦S. Hayami, K. Barros, G. W. Chern, Y. Motome, and C. D. Batista,
    "Vortex Crystals with Chiral Stripes in Itinerant Magnets",
    International USMM & CMSI Workshop: Frontiers of Materials and Correlated Electron Science -from Bulk to Thin Films and Interfaces, P-26, Hongo, Tokyo, Japan (1/5-9 2016)

  54. Y. Sugita, ♦S. Hayami, and Y. Motome,
    "Exitionic Multipole Order in a d-p Model with Parity Mixing",
    TMU International Symposium 2015 "New Quantum Phases Emerging from Novel Crystal Structure", P33, Tokyo Metropolitan University, Hachioji, Tokyo, Japan (9/24-25 2015)

  55. ♦S. Hayami, H. Kusunose and Y. Motome,
    "Spontaneous parity breaking by electronic orders in spin-orbit coupled systems",
    Novel States in Spin-Orbit Coupled Quantum Matter: from Models to Materials, The Kavli institude for Theoretical Physics, University of California, Santa Barbara, United States (7/27-31 2015)

  56. R. Ozawa, ♦S. Hayami, M. Udagawa, Y. Motome, K. Barros, G. W. Chern, and C. D. Batista,
    "Meron crystals with spin scalar chiral stripes",
    20th International Conference on Magnetism (ICM2015), FR.E-P36, Barcerona, Spain (7/5-10 2015)

  57. Y. Sugita, ♦S. Hayami, and Y. Motome,
    "Exitionic Multipole Order in a d-p Model with Parity Mixing",
    20th International Conference on Magnetism (ICM2015), TU.A-P81, Barcerona, Spain (7/5-10 2015)

  58. R. Ozawa, K. Barros, ♦S. Hayami, G. W. Chern, M. Udagawa, Y. Motome, and C. D. Batista,
    "Meron crystals with scalar chiral stripes",
    Workshop on "Topologial Magnets", P11, RIKEN, Wako, Saitama, Japan (5/25-27 2015)

  59. Y. Sugita, ♦S. Hayami, and Y. Motome,
    "Exitionic Multipole Order in a d-p Model with Parity Mixing",
    The 2nd ISSP-MPIPKS Joint Workshop "Dyanmics of Strongly Correlated Systems" (DSCS2015), PS-14, ISSP, Kashiwa, Chiba, Japan (3/30-31 2015)

  60. R. Ozawa, ♦S. Hayami, M. Udagawa, Y. Motome, K. Barros, G. W. Chern, and C. D. Batista,
    "Meron Crystals with Spin Scalar Chiral Stripes",
    The 2nd ISSP-MPIPKS Joint Workshop "Dyanmics of Strongly Correlated Systems" (DSCS2015), PS-18, ISSP, Kashiwa, Chiba, Japan (3/30-31 2015)

  61. Y. Motome and ♦S. Hayami,
    "Hidden frustration in multiple-Q ordered metals",
    The International Conference on Highly Frustrated Magnetism 2014, We-220, Cambridge, UK, (7/7-11 2014)

  62. ♦S. Hayami, H. Kusunose, and Y. Motome,
    "Spontaneous parity breaking by electronic orders in spin-orbit coupled systems",
    The International Conference on SCES, We-220, Grenoble, France, (7/7-11 2014)

  63. ♦S. Hayami, H. Kusunose, and Y. Motome,
    "Multipole ordering by local parity mixing",
    The International Conference on SCES, We-221, Grenoble, France (7/7-11 2014)

  64. ♦S. Hayami, H. Kusunose, and Y. Motome,
    "Spontaneous toroidal order in metals",
    The New Generation in Strongly Correlated Electron Systems 2014, 16th, Nice, France (6/16-20 2014)

  65. ♦S. Hayami, H. Kusunose, and Y. Motome,
    "Spontaneous toroidal order in metals",
    The OIST International Workshop on Novel Quantum Materials and Phases, 15th-P22, OIST, Kunigami District, Okinawa, Japan (5/14-17 2014)

  66. ♦S. Hayami, T. Misawa, Y. Yamaji, and Y. Motome,
    "3D Dirac electrons on a cubic lattice with noncoplanar multiple-Q order",
    The OIST International Workshop on Novel Quantum Materials and Phases, 14th-P7, OIST, Kunigami District, Okinawa, Japan (5/14-17 2014)

  67. ♦S. Hayami, H. Kusunose, and Y. Motome,
    "Spontaneous Toroidal Order in Metals",
    The 6th Indo-Japan Seminar Physics and Design of Multi-Functional Correlated Materials, P27, Univeristy of Tokyo, Bunkyo, Tokyo, Japan (3/24-25 2014)

  68. ♦S. Hayami, H. Kusunose, and Y. Motome,
    "Toroidal Order in Metals on Hexagonal Lattices",
    FIRST International Symposium on Topological Quantum Technology, P48, University of Tokyo, Bunkyo, Tokyo, Japan (1/27-30 2014)

  69. ♦S. Hayami, T. Misawa, Y. Yamaji, and Y. Motome,
    "Exploring topological insulators under a triple-Q magnetic order",
    RIKEN-APW joint workshop "Highlights in condensed matter physics", R043, RIKEN, Wako, Saitama, Japan, (1/23-25 2014)

  70. ♦S. Hayami, H. Kusunose, and Y. Motome,
    "Toroidal ordering in metals: band shift, magnetotransport, and magnetoelectric effect",
    The FIRST-QS2C Workshop on "Emergent Phenomena of Correlated Materials", P52, Shinagawa, Tokyo, Japan, (11/13-16 2013)

  71. ♦S. Hayami, T. Misawa, Y. Yamaji, and Y. Motome,
    "3D Dirac Electrons and Peculiar Surface States on a Cubic Lattice",
    International Workshop for Young Researchers on Topological Quantum Phenomena in Condensed Matter with Broken Symmetries 2013, P-08, Okinawa, Japan (10/22-26 2013)

  72. ♦S. Hayami, T. Misawa, Y. Yamaji, and Y. Motome,
    "Three-dimensional Dirac Electrons with Noncoplanar Multiple-Q Order in a Kondo Lattice Model",
    The International Conference on SCES, 8P-226, University of Tokyo, Bunkyo, Tokyo, Japan (8/5-9 2013)

  73. ♦S. Hayami, T. Misawa, Y. Yamaji, and Y. Motome,
    "Three-dimensional Dirac Electrons with Noncoplanar Multiple-Q Order in a Cubic Lattice System",
    QS2C Theory Forum: International Symposium on “Strongly Correlated Quantum Science”, P31, University of Tokyo, Bunkyo, Tokyo, Japan (1/26-29 2013)

  74. ♦S. Hayami, M. Udagawa, and Y. Motome,
    "Partial Disorder and Metal-Insulator Transition in the Periodic Anderson Model on a Triangular Lattice",
    The Fourth International Workshop on the Dual Nature of f-Electrons, P-16, Himeji, Hyogo, Japan (7/4-6 2012)

  75. ♦S. Hayami, M. Udagawa, and Y. Motome,
    "Partial Disorder in a Frustrated Periodic Anderson Model",
    Novel Quantum States in Condensed Matter 2011 Correlation, Frustration and Topology, PS-B-2, YITP, Kyoto University, Kyoto, Japan (11/7-12/9 2011)

  76. ♦S. Hayami, M. Udagawa, and Y. Motome,
    "Partial Disorder in the Periodic Anderson Model on a Triangular Lattice",
    26th International Conference on Low Temperature Physics, 13P-C025, Beijing, China (8/10-17 2011)

国内会議、研究会、日本物理学会 (ポスター発表)

  1. ♦印田朱音, ♦速水 賢,
    アシンメトリ量子トピカルミーティング「アシンメトリ量子物質における交差相関の開拓」, 神戸大学、兵庫県 (12/6-7 2024)

  2. ♦桐越 研光, ♦速水 賢,
    アシンメトリ量子トピカルミーティング「アシンメトリ量子物質における交差相関の開拓」, 神戸大学、兵庫県 (12/6-7 2024)

  3. ♦小川祐巨, ♦速水 賢,
    アシンメトリ量子トピカルミーティング「アシンメトリ量子物質における交差相関の開拓」, 神戸大学、兵庫県 (12/6-7 2024)

  4. ♦小川 祐巨, ♦速水 賢,
    公開シンポジウム(A)「インフォマティクスの実践的材料応用」, 東京国際フォーラム, 東京都 (11/1 2024)

  5. ♦桐越 研光, ♦速水 賢,
    学術変革領域研究(A)「アシンメトリ量子」令和6年度 領域全体会議・公募研究キックオフ会議 , 東広島芸術文化ホール, 広島県 (5/29-31 2024)

  6. ♦神田 修平, ♦速水 賢,
    学術変革領域研究(A)「アシンメトリ量子」令和6年度 領域全体会議・公募研究キックオフ会議 , 東広島芸術文化ホール, 広島県 (5/29-31 2024)

  7. ♦印田 朱音, ♦速水 賢,
    学術変革領域研究(A)「アシンメトリ量子」令和6年度 領域全体会議・公募研究キックオフ会議 , 東広島芸術文化ホール, 広島県 (5/29-31 2024)

  8. 大岩 陸人, ♦印田 朱音, ♦速水 賢, 野本 拓也, 有田 亮太郎, 楠瀬 博明,
    "Symmetry-adapted closest Wannier tight-binding models",
    令和5年度 新学術領域研究「量子液晶の物性科学」領域研究会, 東京大学物性研究所, 千葉県 (12/26-28 2023)

  9. 奥村 駿, ♦速水 賢, 加藤 康之, 求 幸年,
    "Effects of Q-dependent Anisotropy on Magnetic Hedgehog Lattices in Centrosymmetric Systems",
    令和5年度 新学術領域研究「量子液晶の物性科学」領域研究会, 東京大学物性研究所, 千葉県 (12/26-28 2023)

  10. ♦印田 朱音, ♦速水 賢,
    学術変革領域研究(A)「アシンメトリが彩る量子物質の可視化・設計・創出」トピカルミーティング, 北海道大学, 北海道 (8/30-31 2023)

  11. ♦桐越 研光, ♦速水 賢,
    "Rotational Response Induced by Electric Toroidal Dipole",
    学術変革領域研究(A)「アシンメトリが彩る量子物質の可視化・設計・創出」トピカルミーティング, 北海道大学, 北海道 (8/30-31 2023)

  12. ♦山家 椋太, ♦速水 賢,
    ISSPワークショップ「カイラル物質科学の新展開」, 東京大学物性研究所, 千葉県 (12/22-24 2022)

  13. ♦速水 賢,
    "Skyrmion crystals in centrosymmetric systems with staggered Dzyaloshinskii-Moriya interaction",
    令和4年度 新学術領域研究「量子液晶の物性科学」領域研究会, 名古屋大学 (12/8-10 2022)

  14. ♦桐越 研光, ♦速水 賢,
    "Microscopic Mechanism for Intrinsic Nonlinear Hall Effect in Noncollinear Antiferromagnetic Metals",
    令和4年度 新学術領域研究「量子液晶の物性科学」領域研究会, 名古屋大学 (12/8-10 2022)

  15. ♦沖上和希, ♦山家 椋太, ♦速水 賢,
    "Engineering a Skyrmion Crystal in Ferromagnetic/Antiferromagnetic Bilayers Based on Magnetic Frustration Mechanism",
    令和4年度 新学術領域研究「量子液晶の物性科学」領域研究会, 名古屋大学 (12/8-10 2022)

  16. ♦山家 椋太, ♦速水 賢,
    "Sublattice-dependent skyrmion crystals in an itinerant honeycomb magnet",
    令和4年度 新学術領域研究「量子液晶の物性科学」領域研究会, 名古屋大学 (12/8-10 2022)

  17. ♦桐越 研光, ♦速水 賢,
    第1回アシンメトリ量子研究会, 大阪大学, PS03 (8/9-10 2022)

  18. 奥村 駿, ♦速水 賢, 加藤 康之, 求 幸年,
    "Magnetic Monopole Crystals in Chiral Metals: Stabilization Mechanism and Field-driven Topological Transitions",
    令和2年度 新学術領域研究「量子液晶の物性科学」領域研究会, オンライン (12/21-25 2020)

  19. ♦山家 椋太, ♦速水 賢,
    "Skyrmion Crystals in Centrosymmetric Itinerant Magnets without Horizontal Mirror Plane",
    令和2年度 新学術領域研究「量子液晶の物性科学」領域研究会, オンライン (12/21-25 2020)

  20. ♦松本 拓哉, ♦速水 賢,
    "Nonreciprocal magnons due to magnetic toroidal multipoles in noncentrosymmetric magnets",
    令和2年度 新学術領域研究「量子液晶の物性科学」領域研究会, オンライン (12/21-25 2020)

  21. ♦八城 愛美, ♦速水 賢,
    "Electric toroidal quadrupole order breaking the spatial inversion symmetry in CeCoSi",
    令和2年度 新学術領域研究「量子液晶の物性科学」領域研究会, オンライン (12/21-25 2020)

  22. ♦八城 愛美, ♦速水 賢,
    J-Physics 令和元年度領域全体会議, 神戸大学, 兵庫県 (1/6-8 2020)

  23. 奥村 駿, ♦速水 賢, 加藤 康之, 求 幸年,
    "Chiral 3Q and 4Q hedgehog lattices in 3D spin-charge coupled systems",
    日本学術振興会 研究拠点形成事業 トピカルミーティング「キラル物性シンポジウム」, 神田山荘, 広島県 (1/27-29 2019)

  24. 奥村 駿, ♦速水 賢, 加藤 康之, 求 幸年,
    "Numerical study of topological spin textures in 3D spin-charge coupled systems",
    第4回領域研究会「トポロジーが紡ぐ物質科学のフロンティア」, 名古屋大学, 愛知県 (1/22-24 2019)

  25. ♦松本 拓哉, ♦速水 賢,
    J-Physics: Tropical Topical Meeting, 琉球大学, 沖縄県 (12/13-14 2018)

  26. ♦松本 拓哉, ♦速水 賢,
    基研研究会「スピン系物理の最前線」, 京都大学, 京都府 (10/31-11/2 2018)

  27. ♦八城 愛美, ♦速水 賢,
    日本物理学会2018年秋季大会, 10aPS-20, 同志社大学, 京都府 (9/9-12 2018)

  28. ♦松本 拓哉, ♦速水 賢,
    日本物理学会2018年秋季大会, 9aPS-95, 同志社大学, 京都府 (9/9-12 2018)

  29. ♦速水 賢, 楠瀬 博明,
    J-Physics 平成29年度領域全体会議, 東京大学物性研究所, 千葉県 (3/15-17 2018)

  30. 小山田 明, 山本 悦嗣, 芳賀 芳範, ♦速水 賢, 楠瀬 博明, 求 幸年,
    日本物理学会第72回年次大会, 17pK-PS-23, 大阪大学, 大阪府 (3/17-20 2017)

  31. ♦速水 賢, 楠瀬 博明, 求 幸年,
    "Emergent spin-valley-orbital physics by spontaneous parity breaking",
    J-Physics:多極子伝導系の物理 平成28年度領域全体会議, P18, 北海道大学, 北海道 (5/26-28 2016)

  32. 小山田 明, 山本 悦嗣, 芳賀 芳範, ♦速水 賢, 楠瀬 博明, 求 幸年,
    日本物理学会第71回年次大会, 22aPS-48, 東北学院大学, 宮城県 (3/19-22 2016)

  33. 小澤 遼, ♦速水 賢, Kipton Barros, Gia-Wei Chern, 求 幸年, Cristian D. Batista,
    "Vortex Crystals with Chiral Stripes in Itinerant Magnets",
    第9回 物性科学領域横断研究会, P-47, 東京大学, 東京都 (11/13-15 2015)

  34. ♦速水 賢, 楠瀬 博明, 求 幸年,
    第9回 物性科学領域横断研究会, P-35, 東京大学, 東京都 (11/13-15 2015)

  35. ♦速水 賢, 楠瀬 博明, 求 幸年,
    第9回 物性科学領域横断研究会, P-34, 東京大学, 東京都 (11/13-15 2015)

  36. 小山田 明, 山本 悦嗣, 芳賀 芳範, ♦速水 賢, 楠瀬 博明, 求 幸年,
    日本物理学会2015年秋季大会, 17aPS-129, 関西大学, 大阪府 (9/16-19 2015)

  37. ♦速水 賢, 楠瀬 博明, 求 幸年,
    第7回 物性科学領域横断研究会, P2-6, 東京大学, 文京区, 東京都 (12/1-2 2013)

  38. ♦速水 賢, 三澤 貴宏, 山地 洋平, 求 幸年,
    第7回 物性科学領域横断研究会 P2-7, 東京大学, 文京区, 東京都 (12/1-2 2013)

  39. ♦速水 賢, 三澤 貴宏, 山地 洋平, 求 幸年,
    新学術領域研究「重い電子系の形成と秩序化」第4回研究会, PS89, 東京工業大学, 東京都 (1/12-14 2013)

  40. ♦速水 賢, 三澤 貴宏, 山地 洋平, 求 幸年,
    第6回 物性科学領域横断研究会, P1-5, 東京大学, 文京区, 東京都 (11/27-28 2012)

  41. ♦速水 賢, 三澤 貴宏, 山地 洋平, 求 幸年,
    基研研究会「量子スピン系の物理」, PS-A11, YITP, 京都大学, 京都府 (11/12-14 2012)

  42. ♦速水 賢, 宇田川 将文, 求 幸年,
    "三角格子上の周期的アンダーソンモデルにおける部分無秩序状態 -ドーピング,磁場,スピン異方性の効果-",
    「フラストレート系」特定領域, 最終成果報告会, P11, 大阪大学, 吹田市, 大阪府 (1/6-8 2012)

  43. ♦速水 賢, 宇田川 将文, 求 幸年,
    第7回トピカルミーティング「フラストレーションとスピン・電荷・軌道・格子自由度」, P16, 彦根ビューホテル, 滋賀県, (7/1-2 2011)

  44. ♦速水 賢, 宇田川 将文, 求 幸年,
    新学術領域研究「重い電子系の形成と秩序化」第3回研究会, PS117, ISSP, 柏市, 千葉県 (6/23-25 2011)