
The forth Emallia Conference 2018 will be held on July 23-25, 2018 at Hokkaido University, Sapporo, Japan. This conference is jointly organized by Pusan National University (KOREA), RIKEN, NIMS, and Hokkaido University (JAPAN). Our first conference held in Hokkaido University on May 25, 2016, successfully gathered researcher and students from RIKEN, NIMS and Hokkaido University. The conference is planned to discuss latest advances and new avenues of research on the following topics:

  • Physics of low dimensional metals and superconductors
  • Electron correlations in inorganic and organic materials
  • ESR, NMR and μSR
  • Organic molecular science
  • Functional and Advanced Material
  • Theory, modeling and computation
  • Particle physics, Black hole

Website of the first seminar "Hokudai and RIKEN Seminar" and second seminar "Emallia conference in 2016".