国際学会体験談(Muhamad Darwis Umarさん@ミュオンスピン共鳴研究室)
This conference covers various topics of experimental, computational and
theoretical researches for both organic and inorganic materials. The invited speakers
are experts on their fields and originate from different countries such as Japan,
Indonesia, China, Malaysia, United Kingdom et al., and they delivered the recent
result of their researches. The conference was held at one of the beautiful islands in
Indonesia known as the paradise or gods island so that participant can release and
recovery their mind from scientific discussion and a full day of conference activities.
As a beginner in condensed matter physics, the conference provides an opportunity to
broad our perspective and knowledge about the current development and recent topics
in material science and condensed matter physics. I also personally learn on what
kinds of fundamental physics principles in condensed matter physics should we
prepared so that we can effectively communicate with other researchers on general
topic of condensed matter physics.
I presented my research in the form of a poster. The committee designed an
activity in which one expert will visit some posters and discussed with poster
presenters. My poster topic is the development of muon spin depolarization function
that will be used to plot μSR time spectra of underdoped of La2-xSrxCuO4 with a range
of temperature at which pseudogap state proposed to be present. I showed two
scenarios of distributed internal fields on muon site which cause intermediate
lineshapes between Gaussian- and Lorentzian-shape. I analytically derived unsolved
proposed muon spin depolarization functions for longitudinal-field experiments. The
main visitor of my poster is a theoretical physicist in condensed matter physics with
specializing in strong correlation systems such as cuprate and heavy fermion. But we
cannot have a further discussion since I have not done a fitting process and discuss
about the physics interpretation. During the conversation with the main visitor, I had a
difficulty to explain my research, but I tried to have his opinion about pseudogap in
cuprate system especially about characteristic temperature found by Watanabe-san.
According to him, spinon perhaps be responsible to the anomaly in the μSR time
spectra. I also invite another prominent condensed matter physicist to get his opinion
about my poster, and he gave me a new perspective in understanding fitting results.
There are three invited speakers talk about cuprate materials, but unfortunately
their topics are a little far from my research subject. During the conference, I dialog
my understanding with the expert’s understanding especially related to cuprate
physics and get some new perspectives about a phase diagram of cuprate. However, in
many topics of organic materials, it is little hard to understand especially when so
many technical words to be used. Overall, for me as Indonesian, we learn the
Japanese academic culture to not record and get a picture of poster and the slide
presentation. The situation drives me to have a well organization of
the handwriting.
Bali is one of the famous tourist destinations with not only a
strong local tradition in food, dance and spirituality but also
beautiful landscapes and sceneries. From my experience, to
accommodate the visitor needs and the belief of local people there
are some compromises done by Balines people, and for me, this
situation describe a respect each other in culture. Bali’s culture
embed in cloth, welcome ceremony, and building design. In the end of
the conference, the committee provides a packet of excursion to get a
lunch near to a beach and enjoy a traditional dance with sunset
background. The excursion makes a warm social interaction among the
For a younger student, attending the kind of scientific
conference will broad our knowledge in physics, improve our English
and introduce a culture dialog, understanding and respect each other.