物理学科 理学院 理学研究院 理学部 北海道大学 ENGLISH
国際学会体験談(Julia Angelさん@ミュオンスピン共鳴研究室)
Reports:I had participated in the conference organized by ITS (Sepuluh Nopember Institute of Technology), UNPAD (Padjadjaran University), ITB (Bandung Institute of Technology), UI (University of Indonesia), UGM (Gadjah Mada University), and RIKEN as a contributed speaker/poster presentation. During the conference, I can discuss with other professors, students, and researchers. I am chosen as one of the best poster presenters, although I just had a simple discussion with a few of them. I talk about magnetic properties of hole-doped pyrochlore iridate (Y1-x-yCuxCay)2Ir2O7 investigated by resistivity, XPS and muon-spin relaxation measurements. We found in the non-doped system that the magnetic ordering of Ir spins which was accompanied by the metal-insulator transition (MIT) occurred at around 157 K and disappeared in the doped system in which MIT seems to disappear. We suggest from the current study that a quantum critical point which shows a change in the electronic ground state from insulating to metallic to exist in (Y1-x-yCuxCay)2Ir2O7 system. The manuscript of this is currently in the process of awaiting editor’s decision to publish and will be published in Key Engineering Materials, which is published by Trans Tech Publications and indexed by SCOPUS, SCImago Journal Country Rank, and others.

Message to younger student:Join and participate in many international conferences in aboard related to your study as much as possible. It can improve your English skills, your sciences and build your confidence. You may meet good teachers in there! You can also publish your research even if it just still in the initial stage. Having much publication can brighten your future as a scientist for sure!
All Rights Reserved, Copyright ©2012, Department of Condensed Matter Physics, Graduate School of Science, Hokkaido University