Spin-polarized Electron Spectroscope

Spin-polarized Electron Spectroscope
- By detecting the energy and spin-polarization of the electrons emitted
from a sample,
we study the magnetism of surfaces and ultra-thin films. - Vacuum Pressure:1~10^(-10) Torr
- Sample Temperature:150 K`1000 K
- Element AnalysisFAES
- Crystal Analysis: LEED
- Sample CleaningFIon Gun
- Evaporator & Film Thickness Monitor are equipped.
AFM/MFM Veeco NanoScope ‡V

AFM/MFM Veeco NanoScope ‡V
- We can obtain the surface topography of a sample with several-nanometer resolution in AFM mode as well as the magnetic stray field distribution on a sample surface with several tens nanometer scale in MFM mode.
Low temperature UHV-STM/AFM Unisoku USM-1300A-A3

Low temperature UHV-STM/AFM Unisoku USM-1300A-A3
- We can observe the surface topography of a sample with atomic resolution under conditions of high magnetic fields and cryogenic temperature by this STM/AFM.
- Magnetic Field: -8 `8 T
- Sample Temperature: 2`400 K
- Sample Cleaning: Sputter Ion Gun
- Vacuum Pressure: 5x10-11 Torr
Spin SEM

Spin SEM
- We can cbserve the magnetization vector distribution with a spatial resolution of 3nm.
- Inaddition, we can also observe the elements and the crystallographic direction distribution of the same area as we observe the magnitization.
- The sample tempareture can be contreolled from 10K to 400K.
- By using this apparatus, we are studying the magnetic properties of the surfaces, the ultrathin films and the nano-structured samples.

- Surface structure of the conductor and the insulator can be observed with atomic resolution.
- Density of states can be detected by STS.
- Sample Tempreture:4K`400K
- Vacuum Pressure: 5~10-11 Torr
SEM with 4-Probe System

SEM with 4-Probe System
- Various kinds of properties related to electric conductivity can be studied for nano-structured material without putting electrode by nano-fablication.
- Sample Tempreture:30K - room temperature
- Vacuum Pressure: 1~10-10 Torr
- Spatial Resolution:3 nm
- Function of STM

- Erectric conductivity, heat capasity, Seebeck coefficient, magnetization, torque, and magnetic permeability can be measured.
- Sample Tempreture:2K`400K
- Magnetic Field : 0`}14T
Homemade Kerr microscopy

Homemade Kerr microscopy
- Magnetic domain structure of a sample surface can be imaged using one of three magnetization components with this Kerr microscopy.
- Magnetic Field: |1`1 T
- Sample Temperature: RT`200Ž
Homemade MOKE

Homemade MOKE
- It is possible to measure the hysteresis loop of a local area on a magnetic sample using this MOKE system.
- Magnetic FieldF|500`500 Oe
- Beam DiameterFƒ5 ƒÊm
FZ Single Crystal Growth Machine
FZ Single Crystal Growth Machine
- TemperatureF~2100Ž
Lower Axis StrokeFMax. 150 mm
Upper Axis StrokeFMax. 150 mm
- Growth VelocityF1.0~20.0 mm/h
- Main Axis RotationF6~60 rpm

Ultra High Vacuum STM
Ultra High Vacuum STM
- Sample CleaningFIon Gun
Element AnalysisFAES
Vacuum PressureF1~10-11 Torr

Multi-Purpose Ultra High Vacuum Chamber
Multi-Purpose Ultra High Vacuum Chamber
- Vacuum PressureF1~10-10Torr

- Vacuum PressureF1~10-5Torr
- Heating CurrentF50 A

Spot Welder/Crystal Cutter/Polisher
Spot Welder/Crystal Cutter/Polisher