

講師 : Prof. Hans D. Hochheimer

  (Department of Physics, Colorado State University)

特別講義(1) (学部1年生〜3年生向け)
日時 : 10月6日(水) 5講時 16:30〜18:00
題目 : High Pressure Physics: Thinking Outside the box
場所 : 理学部2号館402講義室

アブストラクト : I will present examples where thinking outside the box has led to unexpected developments, economic success, and new understanding of the underlying physics. As example of economic success I will present the development of a multipass Brillouin interferometer, which has revolutionized solid state Brillouin scattering experiments. Several techniques (Raman and Brillouin scattering, absorption and luminescence measurements, and energy dispersive X-ray diffraction measurements) used in combination with high pressure to study phase transitions will be described. The usefulness as well as the limitations of these techniques is then demonstrated by presenting results of a number of studies of materials which undergo structural phase transitions (ammonium halides, copper chloride, alkali cyanides, ternary chalcogenides) or isostructural transitions (YbO, chromium alloys), where the valence state of the atom or the spin-density wave state changes with pressure. Furthermore, I will discuss the first observation of a crossing of crystal field levels with pressure. The results will be discussed using an angular overlap model.

特別講義(2) (学部3・4年生向け)
日時 : 10月7日(木) 5講時 16:30〜18:00
題目 : High pressure experimental and theoretical study of the quasi-one-dimensional sulfides AV6S8 (A = In, Tl).
場所 : 理学部2号館402講義室

アブストラクト : I will present the results of high pressure conductivity measurements on TlxV6S8 ( x = 1, 0.15, 0.47, and 0.63) in pressure range from 0 - 2 GPa in the temperature range from 300 K to 300 mK to obtain insight in the competition between superconductivity and charge density waves as well as to establish the existence of a charge density wave in these materials. The experimental results are complemented by first principle electronic band structure calculations on InV6S8 in order to study the effect of pressure on the Fermi surface nesting which leads to the formation of the charge density wave instability.