Microwave response in the vortex state of Bi2Sr2CaCu2O8+ƒÂ

Matsuda, Y., Gaifullin, M.B., Kumagai, K., Kadowaki, K., Mochiku, T.

Physica C (Netherlands), vol.263, no.1-4, 457-60, May 1996


We measured the surface resistance (30-60 GHz) for different crystallographic orientations in the vortex state of Bi2Sr2CaCu2O8+ƒÂ. A sharp magnetoabsorption resonance is observed below Tc when AC electric fields and magnetic fields are applied parallel to the c-axis (EAC // B // c). We argue that the observed resonance arises from collective Josephson plasma oscillations that appear when the plasma energy is much smaller than the superconducting gap energy. The plasma mode is shown to be strongly affected by the vortex states in the CuO2-plane.