Research Activities
Interacting many-particle systems exibit many interesting phenomena such as
magnatism and superconductivity.Our group focuses on the theoretical study
of those interacting many-particle systems.
(1) Electron correlations are essentail in certain transition-metal,lanthanide,
and actinide alloys. Effective masses of quasi-particles are 10-1000 times as
large as electron mass. Such alloys are called heavy-electron systems. One of
our projects is to clarify theoretically exotic magnetism and superconductivity
in heavy-electron systems. It includes a theoretical study on the mechanism
of high-temperature superconductivity in cuprate oxides.
(2) 3He particles, which obey Fermi statistics, undergoes a phase transition
around 3mK into a couple of superfluid phases. The Cooper pairs of those
phases have the internal degrees of freedom to display phenomena different
from the conventional BCS superconductors. Some of the above-mentioned heavy
electrons are also reported to form anisotropic Cooper pairs. Another project
is to study those phenomina characteristic of the anisotropic Cooper pairs.