Tentative Program of
the International Symposium on New Trends of Physics
Part I: Jan. 20-24, 2003, Sapporo, Japan

Date Morning Afternoon Evening
Jan. 20 Session(A)(09:20-10:30)
Conference Hall (Large Hall)
Conference Hall (Large Hall)
Reception (18:00-)
Hokkaido Univ. Museum
Jan. 21 Session(E)(9:30-10:50)
Conference Hall (Small Hall)
Conference Hall (Small Hall)
Banquet (18:00-)
Faculty House Trillium
Jan. 22 Session(I)(9:30-11:10)
Centennial Hall (Large Hall)
Centennial Hall (Large Hall)
Poster Session (16:30-)
Lobby of 2nd Floor, Bld. 5, Graduate School of Science
Jan. 23 Session(M)(9:30-10:50)
Conference Hall (Small Hall)
Conference Hall (Small Hall)

January 20 (Monday): at the Lecture Hall of Conference Hall

* (A) Opening Session

Jan. 20 (Mon.) 09:20-10:30, chaired by K. Kato (Hokkaido Univ.) ----- Break (10:30-10:50)-----

* (B) Novel Theory of Condensed Matters

Jan. 20 (Mon.) 10:50-12:10, chaired by N. Kawamoto (Hokkaido Univ.) ----- Lunch (12:10-14:00)-----

* (C) Novel Physics of Condensed Matters (I)

Jan. 20 (Mon.) 14:00-15:50, chaired by S. Yamamoto (Hokkaido Univ.) ----- Break (15:50-16:00)-----

* (D) Interdisciplinary Physics --- Particle, Nuclear, and Condensed Matter Physics

Jan. 20 (Mon.) 16:00-18:00, chaired by K. Kato (Hokkaido Univ.)

* Reception (at "The Hokkaido University Museum")

Jan. 20 (Mon.) 18:00-

January 21 (Tuesday): at the Small Lecture Hall of Conference Hall

* (E) Nuclear Physics (I) --- Hadron Many-Body Problem

Jan. 21 (Tue.) 9:30-10:50, chaired by A. Ohnishi (Hokkaido Univ.) ----- Break (10:50-11:00)-----

* (F) Nuclear Physics (II) --- Strangeness Degrees of Freedom and Intrinsic Structure of Hadrons

Jan. 21 (Tue.) 11:00-12:30, chaired by P. K. Sahu (Institute of Physics, India) ----- Lunch (12:30-13:30)-----

* (G) Novel Physics of Condensed Matters (II)

Jan. 21 (Tue.) 13:30-15:30, chaired by F.J. Ohkawa (Hokkaido Univ.) ----- Break (15:20-15:30)-----

* (H) Novel Physics of Condensed Matters (III)

Jan. 21 (Tue.) 15:40-17:20, chaired by M. Ido (Hokkaido Univ.)

* Banquet (at "Faculty House Trillium, Restaurant ELM")

Jan. 21 (Tue.) 18:00-

January 22 (Wednesday): at the Large Conference Room of Centennial Hall

* (I) Novel Physics of Condensed Matters (IV)

Jan. 22 (Wed.) 9:30-11:10, chaired by S. Kruchinin (BITP, Ukraine) ----- Break (11:10-11:20)-----

* (J) Novel Magnetism in Condensed Matters (I)

Jan. 22 (Wed.) 11:20-12:50, chaired by H. Amitsuka (Hokkaido Univ.) ----- Lunch (12:30-14:00)-----

* (K) Nuclear Physics (III) --- Few-Body Problem of Nucleons and Clusters (1)

Jan. 22 (Wed.) 14:00-15:10, chaired by K. Kato (Hokkaido Univ.)

* (L) Nuclear Physics (IV) --- Few-Body Problem of Nucleons and Clusters (2)

Jan. 22 (Wed.) 15:10-16:20

* Poster Session (at the Lobby of 2nd Floor, Building No.5, Graduate School of Science)

Jan. 22 (Wed.) 16:30-, chaired by R. Nozaki ----- Beer Session (around 17:30-)-----

January 23 (Thursday): at the Small Lecture Hall of Conference Hall

* (M) Elementary Particle Physics

Jan. 23 (Thu.) 9:30-10:50, chaired by K. Ishikawa (Hokkaido Univ.) ----- Break (10:50-11:00)-----

* (N) Novel Magnetism and Superconductivity in Condensed Matters

Jan. 23 (Thu.) 11:00-12:30, chaired by T. Kita (Hokkaido Univ.) ----- Lunch (12:30-14:00)-----

* (O) Nuclear Physics (V) --- Unstable Nuclei

Jan. 23 (Thu.) 14:00-15:20, chaired by G. Filippov (BITP, Ukraine) ----- Break (15:20-15:30)-----

* (P) Nuclear Physics (VI) --- Nucleosynthesis and Fragment Formation

Jan. 23 (Thu.) 15:40-16:50, chaired by K. Kato (Hokkaido Univ.) ----- Adjourn (16:50)-----

January 24 (Friday): Free Excursion around Sapporo